In The Bedroom Compare And Contrast

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FROM LITERATURE TO FILM IN THE BEDROOM BY: EDGAR REA-BUCAY MONDAY 6:15 CLASS The film “In the Bedroom” is an adaptation of the short story “killings” by Andre Dubus. It narrates the story of a young man, Frank, being killed by the soon to be ex-husband, Richard Strout, of, Natalie, his summer love. It also depicts the reactions of the young man’s parents, Matt and Ruth Fowler, to the apparent impunity of the murderer. Both movie and short story raise the question of morality, is it ok take revenge into our own hands? And if so can we live with the consequences and even worse the knowledge that we are not better than those who harmed us. The movie does a commendable job in translating the short story in a traditional narrative, it preserves the overall idea of the story with minimal alterations, which emphasized the love of a father for his son in a realistic style. …show more content…

While the plot was the same, certain changes were clearly noticeable such as the absence of an older brother in the movie. This subtle modification was received on my part as the director trying to create a stronger bond in the parent - only son relationship; which would later if not justify the father’s actions, it would at least make them understandable and relatable. Frank’s killing was also different, in the story the two kids are sitting with him and in the movie he was by himself. I thinks while the story derives no emotional attachment to either side, the movie is bias and inclined to the justification of Matt’s crime at the

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