In Spite Of Everything I Really Good At Heart Analysis

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Anne’s quote “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart” was quoted because she knows that no matter what happens no one meant anything of what happened. Only that they were being forced, and if the Germans had a choice and weren’t brainwashed into being Nazis, they would be good people. Anne was a very optimistic person, no matter the reason, or time. So this would lead me to believe while in writing in her diary she wrote what she believed to be the truth, and that the Holocaust was really only one man’s fault and that the German people didn’t mean it. Anne stated in her diary “I’m stuck with the character I was born with, yet I’m sure I’m not a bad person”. This quote expresses that everyone is born a different …show more content…

Anne explains in this quote that she always lowered herself below other people, but never thought of herself as low as hiding and lonely. She knew that she wasn’t better than everyone and everything, but never as low as she was then. She was now sad in despair, terrified, and basically awaiting death to take her. She can barely move around or talk loudly, and she says in her diary she doesn’t know the last time she was able to shout. Anne wrote in her diary “I’ve gained some insight into human nature since I came here, which is good, but I’ve had enough for the present.”. She has been with the same few people for the longest time. Anne understands more closely how other people live, but she is starting to get tired of sitting in the same place all her life and hiding. This is why she wrote I’ve had enough for the present. Anne’s last quote, and words in her diary “In spite of everything I still believe people are good at heart”, is proof she doesn’t discriminate against who you are, what you look like, or what you believe in. Anne is the perfect example of having respect for all people. Knowing when to cheer someone up. Anne Frank is still well known for always finding the positives in

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