Examples Of Repetition In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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Hope during the Holocaust The Holocaust was a time of unspeakable horror and violence. Many lives were lost during this grim period; however, numerous individuals stood up against Nazi tyranny by both actively and passively resisting.Those who chose to actively resist armed themselves and went into battle; on the other hand, those who opted for pastivity chose to preserve their identity and save their lives and family. In “The Diary of Anne Frank,” we learn about valiant individuals who passively resisted against the Nazis and preserved their culture and identity. This story proves that the best way to respond to conflict is to passively resist because it keeps hope alive, saves lives, and provides an alternative way to solve conflict. In “ The Diary of Anne Frank,” Anne passively resists by writing in her diary because it helps her maintain hope. When Mr.Frank returns to Amsterdam after the war, he finds Anne’s diary and reads about how Anne still believes that “people are really good at heart,” despite everything that happened(352). Mr.Frank is amazed that Anne can find the …show more content…

As their way of passive resistance, Anne and her family hid “upstairs in the building where father used to have business,” and the people who sheltered them risked imprisonment by doing so (283). Anne also resisted by writing in her diary. Nevertheless, some individuals argue that the only way to make a stance against tyranny is to actively fight back. However, individuals with this way of thinking fail to realize the impact passive resistance has had throughout history. For example, take Rosa Parks, a black woman who stood up against racism and made a colossal impact on the civil rights movement. Parks fought passively for equality and inspired numerous individuals to do the

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