In Praise Of A Snail's Pace By Ellen Goodman Summary

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Technology is going faster than befour as the author say in the In praise of a snail’s pace by Ellen Goodman . the rituals cannot be done faster without destroying them. This is because people want to send them by technology. She says this method will not deliver the message with the required impact since it will sound plain. Another example is communication between a teenager and the parent. The parent fears that phones and email will underestimate the significance of her message. You know these day is change a lot with these technology . Goodman tries to show technology can make people lose attention of some important thing in life. The world seems to be so connected through technology but there is still a problem. People have been carried …show more content…

She says he is too distracted even to write short and simple words . She narrates how she used snail mail to send condolences and says people want to do this this by using the email. This is unacceptable to her because it is not effective. The message will look simple, which is not the sender’s intention. Teenagers are trying to multi task when they do homework, send text messages and download music simultaneously. This is not possible yet they do it due to the effect of technology on them . Goodman says she specifically takes a trip to the mailbox by road. She is aware of other faster means but she wants to have a moment when she is not hurrying. People in the world insist on using faster means of doing things because they are always in a hurry. Goodman intends to tell the people they cannot apply speed in everything. For instance, O’Keeffe says it is not possible to increase the growth of leeches in a garden. A grieving friend can never recover fast through the help of technology. Some things are naturally slow and no technology can make them increase their …show more content…

making people’s way of multi tasking. It results to divided attention, which might make them ineffective. For instance, when the teenagers are involved in many activities along doing homework, they will do their homework inappropriately. According to traditional practices, people did one task at a time. Students also did their homework without any other distraction. The culture of multi tasking is instilling partial attention in people. They cannot pay full attention to one thing. They do multi thing , This is why even student cannont make good text using they phones and have bad grammer

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