Improving Writing Skills

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Everyone of us always ask this questions to ourselves, how to improve our writing skills? Students and even employers need this writing skills to write reports, research papers, dissertations, thesis, etc., but for some of us, this is really a daunting task. So what can you do improve your writing skill? Three simple steps can help you find the writing help you need -- reading, writing, and critiquing.

First, you need to expose yourself to other writer's work. Read, read and read a lot of books that will enhance your vocabulary, this does not mean read the dictionary, rather, read books that are interesting and has a lot of informations in it. Some books worth reading are books written by Danielle Steel, John Grisham, etc. There is a wealth of writing tips available from every writer no matter their level of experience or expertise. Some writers offer ideas and fodder for your writing as well as expand your vocabulary. Other writers can provide examples of good writing, interesting style, and intriguing vocabulary or word usage. Still other writers can help you learn more about what mistakes you should strive to eliminate from your own writing.

Second is, …show more content…

Critiquing the writing of others can help you compare various solutions - and their effectiveness - to a variety of writing problems. It is often easier to find a solution to another writer's problem or challenge than it is your own -- and you may well find that today's solution for another writer is a solution to your own future writing issue. You can gain exposure to a variety of writing styles. In addition, the advice of an informed reader can offer a window into your own work. We usually know what goal we set for our writing but cannot truly judge how effectively we achieved that goal. An informed reader can help us identify problem areas as well as find potential

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