Improvement in the Works of by Daniel Defoe, Benjamin Franklin, and Adam Smith

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How many types of improvement can be possible for human nature? In many works written by many philosophers we can see the major improvements of human society through experimentation. Human beings can make progress both individually and collectively. In the works by Daniel Defoe, Benjamin Franklin, and Adam Smith, I am able to analyze how both individual and collective improvement are related through the habit and practice required to make progress possible. Through my analysis I have come to the conclusion that individual and collective improvements are driven by the desire to satisfy the needs within a person as well as within society. Through my analysis of the works of these authors, I was able to indicate how individual improvement might not be enough, leading to collective improvement for a greater progress. These types of improvements are vital to understanding many consequential improvements in contemporary society. But before I begin my analysis on the works by these authors we must first know what is individual and collective improvement.
From what I have analyzed from the authors I just mentioned they all seem to define individual improvement as a personal development by making changes for their own benefit. This is a method to improve one’s own virtues, wealth and knowledge. This individual improvement can be used to develop talents and enhance the quality of one’s life through change. However, individuality in a person can only achieve a certain amount improvement before needing the help of a group. In addition, these authors can seem to believe that collective improvement is when a number of individuals united as a group or as a society each contribute to achieve common goals such as economic development or other bene...

... middle of paper ... quantity. Workers are able to gain dexterity and master a specific skill required to produce a good. Due to the dexterity of the division of labor the result is a surplus in goods that in return they are sold, which increases wealth. As a result, everyone becomes wealthier and Due to this increase in production, society as a whole benefit. This need to supply a society leads to social interdependence.
In conclusion, the authors Defoe, Franklin, and Smith all portray the relation of individual and collective improvement through the importance of habit and practice. They show how individual progress is not enough for an individual and eventually leads to collective improvement. Individual and collective improvements are controlled by the desire to satisfy the needs.

Works Cited

Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Ed. John J. Richetti. London: Penguin, 2001. Print.

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