Important Events In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I am reading the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In chapters twenty-six through thirty, several crucial events occurred. Some of the events included, Tom Robinson’s death, Jem’s broken arm, and Scout meeting Boo Radley for the first time. These events affected the Finch family one way or another. When Tom Robinson died not a lot of people were affected by the death but Jem and Scout were affected greatly, Jem became moody and Scout became confused about Maycomb as a town. After a school pageant that Scout was in, one her way home Jem and Scout were attacked by Burris Ewell. Boo Radley had then saved Jem and Scout and then brought the two home. After the shock wore off, Scout then met Boo Radley and was in awe. In this journal, I will …show more content…

The rumors that spread like wildfire throughout Maycomb did not have a lot of truth to them because the citizens never got to truly know Boo Radley. The citizens never got to truly know Boo because they never took the time to walk in his shoes. An abounding amount of people in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee show the theme of walking in someone else’s shoes, Tom Robinson can be considered as one of the people that can symbolize this theme. One of the many reasons why Tom Robinson can be considered for this theme is, not many people know what it is like to be convicted of something you never did. On Tom Robinson’s trial, Atticus had a wonderful defense against Burris Ewell and his lawyer Mr. Gilmer. Atticus showed that Tom could not have done it because Tom cannot use his left hand whereas Burris is left-handed. Even though Atticus had a remarkable defense built against the prosecutors, Tom was still convicted and then had to go to jail. Scout later realized that Tom was convicted because he was African-American. Not many people in Maycomb would understand what it would be like to be convicted of something they never did. To understand what Tom went through, the

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