This paper discusses how interpersonal skills and professional behaviors are gained from participating in numerous extracurricular activities mainly focusing on sports. Interpersonal skills are those abilities, attitudes, and competencies centered on relationships and interactions with other people. Strong relationships are a key driver in success, and strong relationships start with good interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are a very high necessity in sports participation because whether one is a professional athlete or not, sports participation can enhance leadership qualities that are needed both effective on and off the field. Studies suggest that sport can lead to more than just physical health in a child’s life. It
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Teamwork helps motivate participants to do their part, assisting the team to reach its ultimate goal. Teamwork also involves delegation of tasks, which is what successful leaders do every day. Great leaders need team building skills in order to be exemplary and effective to those they lead. A growth of team building skills in the workplace can positively influence group projects, campaigns, employee engagement and motivation in the workplace. As a member of a sports team, an individual has the responsibility to react to different situations in a variety of ways. This means that, at times, they may need to lead the team just as others might do when it’s their turn. Participating in sport regularly raises individual’s awareness of situations, allowing them to recognize when the best time is to take action and when to let others make the first move. Once they get it right, individuals can see the benefits to appropriate leadership and they can incorporate it into their professional lives later on. Team spirit, sharing tasks and responsibilities; implementing a democratic policy when conducting activities, setting objectives, sharing opinions and making collaborative decisions assists sportspersons in accomplishing their goal. Team work and its importance are always highly emphasized by coaches and sports …show more content…
Conflict in sports occurs frequently because of the pressure of competition. It can transpire any time before, during, or after competition when athletes are most stressed or excited. Such conflicts are amplified in expression and feeling due to the athletes' strong need and desire to win. Sport is one of the best platforms for teaching youth how to deal with conflict. Most teams has developed a unique, effective curriculum aimed at confronting the challenges youth face when getting frustrated or angry with their team members. Conflict resolution curriculum clarifies the dynamics of the relationship between two or more athletes who are in conflict and explores ways of developing a healthy, competitive and positive relationship among the athletes such that in the end both athletes are able to make peace and acknowledged each other and diffuse the situation before a major competition. If negative emotions erupt during practice or competition, teams explores the reasons why, then thoroughly trains on ways to change perspectives and empathize to help team members rather than cling to grudges. They show how empathy and compassion lead to greater effectiveness for teams in achieving goals and winning games. Sports also teach how these problems and solutions are analogous to larger societal issues. Sport then becomes a
Participation in sports has proven to increase self-discipline and self-esteem, and can teach athletes to learn from their mistakes and move on (Issitt). Athletes playing team sports also develop the ability to work well with others and use teamwork in their everyday lives. Teammates form relationships that are strengthened over a common passion and goal. These relationships can last long after high school is over (Chen). These social skills translate into better communication used with an athlete’s family, peers, and in the community. Likewise, “A 2006 study in Maryland found that student athletes are 15 percent more likely than non athletes to be involved in their communities and to take the time for civic engagements, including participating in voting and volunteer activities” (Issitt). The same study also concluded that athletes are far more likely to be comfortable with public speaking than non-athletes. This study provides concrete evidence that high school sports can help to gain mental and social skills that will be used later in life
The journal article, “What does sport mean to you? Fun and other preferences for adolescents’ sport participation” claims that fun, social aspects, masculinity, and identity are the main reasons youth participate in sports (Skille and Østera˚ s, 360). Oftentimes, athletes forget they are on the same team, and they start to form cliques or groups based around who has the best bench press or 40 meter dash time. As a result, teammates start to compete with each other instead of working towards the same goal. For instance, one coaching journal article claims that “moral reasoning” in youth is determined through “collective norms” or group behaviors that the coach has a hand in influencing (Shields, LaVoi, Bredemeier, Power, 748-749). A proper coaching environment should therefore revolve around a fun, supportive, and collective environment where success is encouraged through the full support of the team. This support can further be developed through proper positive mindfulness and code of conduct guidelines set forth by the coach; for instance, hazing should be discouraged and proper communication and helpfulness among teammates should be
Sports play an important role in American culture, with the top four most popular being football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey. These professional athletes make millions of dollars through their annual salaries and endorsements. Many wonder how they got to where they are today and was it worth it. There are mixed messages about participating in sports as a child and how it affects their development. Some believe that sports will help their child develop better communication skills, self-confidence and build character, while others believe that young athletes will develop aggression traits such as bullying, competitiveness, and aggressiveness. Although some believe that sports participation as a child will lead to aggressive children, there is ample evidence through research that sports benefits a child’s cognitive, social, and, physical development.
Participating in school sports helps the athlete, the school, and the community as a whole. Dreams are born in courts, fields and arenas across the nation. They can also be lost with the sound of a swish followed swiftly by a buzzer or by a quick running back on a kick off return with only seconds left in the fourth quarter. Being a part of school sports is often the highlight of the year for some students, such environments harbor friendships that can last a lifetime and can teach participants lessons that aren’t learned elsewhere. Lessons like getting back up, and fighting until the end. Lessons of victory and defeat, and holding your head high no matter what ...
“Kids who had lower (athletic) confidence said they were more lonely at school” (Dunn 1). When teens have a higher self esteem, they tend to feel more confident in who they are and what they are doing. Teens who are confident in themselves tend to make friends easier, because they appear to their peers that they are confident in what they are doing and people who are confident appeal more to people then those who are not. “Children and adolescents often make friends with others on their sports teams, or in their activity programs, and these friendships help keep them involved in the activity, and make the activity more fun” (Brehm 258). Furthermore, friends that are made on a sports team result in a strong friendship because teens can have fun with their new friends during practice or games. Some will argue that sports can cause athletes to become more likely to do drugs than students who do not do sports. While this might be the case, sports do in fact keep teens out of trouble because sports provide more opportunities to make new friends. “At some schools, it is cool to be an athlete. And students who are lucky enough to become athletes receive reinforcement from their peers” (Brehm 258). Popularity and making friends in middle school and throughout high school is something most teens struggle with. However, if teens play on
In a team-oriented setting, everyone contributes to how well the group succeeds overall. You work with fellow members of the group to complete the work that needs to be done. Having the right people in the correct roles is an important factor in measuring the success of a team, where you are united with the other members to complete the main goals. Every group is made up of definite strengths and weaknesses. Our team's 3-5 major strengths necessary to work accordingly consist of Informer, Summarizer, Orienter, Piggy-Backer, and Encourager. One of our strengths as a team is that we get input from everyone involved. Every member of our team is a leader in some way. Part of being a good leader is knowing how important it is to receive the best ideas from each member of their team. We attend group meetings where we discuss any challenges, issues, and problems. At these meetings, we often exchange ideas or brainstorm new ones with each other and come up with the best and most creative team solutions as potential answers to those perceived problems.
Also containing leadership characteristics helps athletes with their social skills. Worsnop, Richard L. points out “there is a general agreement that the nation’s high schools have performed well as the farm system for college sports programs”. In other words team sports presents valuable life lessons and experiences within a group setting. There are endless situations that could take place between the teammates or with the opponents during the game. The fans or known as the community displays a huge part in the sports world and how they distribute their insight on it. Statistics have shown that “ High school teams command legions of devoted fans locally and nationally” (Worsnop). As shown the community is devoted to all types of sports and they see athletes representation and how they react in certain situations. For example the sports that involve physical contact like football and basketball could get out of
How Can Coaches Enhance Self-Esteem in Young Athletes? Being positive, respectful, inclusive and keeping sport in perspective are key aspects of a positive sporting surrounding. These elements can advance coach-athlete relationships and help frame positive self-esteem. Children who participate in highly competitive or strict environments may have more feelings of low self-worth when they lose a game. Wins and losses can be more essential to some kids than the physical abilities they develop by being involved in the sport. Participation in school sports supply a sense of belonging and being part of a team or group. You interact with your peers in a friendly manner. You learn to examine the interests of your teammates and to practice mutual respect and
Teamwork is becoming more important in the work place, because of the leaders and the fact that it allows full participation with all employees. In order to complete several different tasks, managers and supervisors usually perform teams and assign different tasks to complete one major assignment. Team work starts at the top (Smikle, 2009). When supervisors or managers are willing to administer teamwork, they are enabling the employees to follow. Managers or supervisors set good examples when they delegate tasks, but more importantly express to the employees how teamwork is productive. Employees work by example, more so now than by demands.
The involvement in team sports builds good character and social development skills in children. According to LHSAA executive director, Kenny Henderson “Children who participate in sports have heightened self-esteem, social skills, ability to work well with others and more respect.” Young adults who have played team sports are less likely to take illegal drugs. Adults who played sports as children have better social and leadership skills. Sports provide children with experiences and interactions necessary to grow into an adult with good character and sufficient social skills. Team sports in grade school can offer children and teenager an outlet for stress and negative emotional build-up. Coaches, practices, games or meets and traveling all have a large impact on a person’s charter. Most children who have played a team sport at some time have character traits found in highly successful adults.
The team members not only share expectations for accomplishing group tasks, but trust and support one another and respect one another's individual differences. Your role as a team builder is to lead your team toward cohesiveness and productivity. A team takes on a life of its own and you have to regularly nurture and maintain it, just as you do for individual employees. Teambuilding is important for several reasons. It facilitates better communication and it motivates employees. The more comfortable your employees are to express their ideas and opinions, the more confident they will become. This will motivate them to take on new challenges. Team building also promotes creativity and develops problem solving skills. It also breaks the barrier because team building increases the trust factor with your employees. The first rule of team building is an obvious one: to lead a team effectively, you must first establish your leadership with each team member. Communication should be clear and manager should describe team values and goal. Trust and cooperation is also important when building effective team. Opinions of all group members are important and all of them are equal. One of most important thing is encourage listening and
Working in teams provides an opportunity for individuals to come together and establish a rapport towards others within a group. Teamwork is classified as people with different strengths and skills who work together to achieve a common goal. When a team works well, specific objectives are fulfilled and satisfied. Teamwork plays a crucial role in implementing and fulfilling a common goal in a team project. Each member plays a role and takes on different responsibilities combined together. In different stages of teamwork, conflicts and arguments may occur for as members have different standpoints which need to be harmonized within the team. The key to having an effective teamwork is to explore each member's unique abilities to motivate them.
It is unquestionable that lessons of teamwork are learned through involvement with sports. Sports are all about working as a team to reach a common goal- winning games, meets, or matches. As most athletes know, this goal is not possible without becoming one joined team rather than a bunch of individuals. According the newspaper, Courier Mail, “It teaches you to always treat others with respect and not to get too cocky about your own abilities” (Sport a Teacher on the Playing Field of Life). If athletes play the game just to benefit themselves and their personal future, it is impossible to improve as a team overall and achieve success as a whole. Along with treating teammates with respect, it is equally important to be honest with not only fellow teammates but with oneself. Quarterback Kemp also said, “I learned that if...
It causes them to think, plan and make decisions according to the team. In the past teamwork culture has taken a backseat. However with changing times, organizations understood the importance of nurturing and promoting the culture of teamwork (p.1). In order to promote teamwork, management leaders need to clearly communicate to everyone that the expectation of exceptional work is not just an individual level but at a team level and collaboration is expected out of every team (p.2). Teams that are demonstrating teamwork should be recognized. According to Conway (n.d) “ set expectations that bonuses, rewards, or compensation will vary depending on the collaborative practices adopted and followed by each team along with the individual achievements and contribution as a team member (p.2). Management should also share the outstanding achievements with other teams and organizations, so that people feel encouraged to participate and nature the team work culture
Teamwork is defined as, “the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.” (Business Dictionary, n.d.) Ultimately, it provides us with a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of unity amongst each other. It allows us to create healthy relationships, and bond further with our peers, and generally, it’s a necessity for our lives. Teamwork aids us with developing imperative life lessons and skills. It also helps us gain a new perspective, and discover our strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I believe that I work well in a team, and I possess the skills of a good leader. Regardless, some individuals