Importance Of Science In Doctor Faustus

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“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known” (Carl Sagan). Doctor Faustus is a novel in which a well-liked German scholar becomes upset with the traditional ways of knowledge. These include that in knowledge of logic, law, religion and medicine. He seeks a deeper understanding of the way the universe works and why we all are here. With his dissatisfying appetite for knowledge he goes on to practice the black magic arts. This forbidden knowledge is not looked upon highly by other fellow scholars. We can take the way early Christians thought about science into consideration when we talk about Doctor Faustus’s desire to explore new forms of knowledge and how it was frowned upon by the church when scholars searched for answers through different methods other than that of god. We can see this in the prosecution of Galileo Galilei when the Catholic Church had him imprisoned over his ideas of the way our solar system works. Another scientist Giordano Bruno was attacked by the Catholic Church over his ideas of the earth revolving around the sun. Although the Holy Inquisition for...

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