Importance Of Save Water Essay

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Save water is one of the most important issues in the world, but today it become a threat the environment, that are affecting the earth today. Save water is try to reduce your water use where possible and not waste water you do use. The water is important in this life and without it, we can not stay or live. In this website will discuss some of the issues that connected in the subject.

Water is life:
Water is essential in the life, not just for human, but all living things in the earth. While animal and plants can carry a long time without it. Water consider a basic for human, important for our health and growth. All water on earth: ocean 97.5%. However, freshwater 2.5%.There are a lot of clean water In contrast many countries in the world have pollution water. The problem is that not everyone has access to water.
However, history of water:
“ The exact origin of our plants water that covers about 70% of earth surface.
The history of the collection of rainwater is as old as the history of humanity. The use of rainwater collection system is known to have existed 4,000 years old. (Mcleish, 1997, p.42).

Water cycle:
Water is …show more content…

Some countries do some decision can help people to save the environment. "To create a sustainable future, we need to reverse good pattern, seeking to provide sufficient water for all people while protecting supplies and the environment for future generations. Moreover, the world specific water day to keep water consumptions and that in "22 March" was be designed as "World Water Day"- the annual day to raise awareness of water supply issue around the globe". (Bowden, 2002, p.59). In contract, save water issue not responsible some people but should all people cooperate and share to make and save every drop of water for generations, And we must learn people how to water consumption begin in the home than outside the

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