Importance Of Perseverance In Nursing

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Perserverance is the secret of success for many nurses. Fictional TV doctor Merideth Grey once said "You hope for the best and you stick with it. Day in and day out. Even if you're tired, even if you want to walk away you don't". This quote exemplifies perseverance and that is the driving force behind all nurses in the healthcare field. In nursing perseverance puts excellent above nurses who barely achieve the minimal amount of effort required. It enables the nurses to attack any issues or trauma that comes in with all of their efforts, so that the patient has the best chance of survival. Perserverance will prevent burn out from happening. Perseverance is the secret of success for excellent nurses because it puts them above their colleagues, …show more content…

When gaining experience as a new nurse it is hard to stand out from others in the workplace environment. To be a great nurse you need knowledge, passion, and perseverance. Perseverance allows nurses to shine and prove themselves to their bosses as well. It shows that as a nurse you are willing to work harder and achieve more for the patients. In this type of career being on your toes and focusing is also, very important. By allowing yourself to have perseverance is allowing yourself to strive to do better every day at work. By allowing instructors to teach perseverance to nursing students and new nurses it allows them to build and recognize what they need to succeed over others. By having that little piece of knowledge over others, it allows nurses to begin their path on a stronger note than …show more content…

It does not matter how long a nurse has been on the job, burn out syndrome is a common issue with any career but hits home mainly in the healthcare field. Doctors and nurses experience this if they do not have perseverance it may happen a lot sooner than others. By having perseverance, a nurse is able to look at the more positive points and avoid quitting due to burn out. Perserverance allows nurses to not feel angry, depressed, or unhappy towards their patients because of burn out. Nurses that experience burn out are also more likely to change careers as well as doubt their skills. Nurses that have perseverance are more confident in their skills, choices, and judgement calls in a life or death matter. By preventing burn out the attitude a nurse has reflects directly to the patient and if the patient experiences a negative attitude it will not enable them to heal properly. A nurse by preventing burn out cares for their patients and always is providing the best care by having

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