Importance Of Number Sense

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Number sense is an evolving concept that is complex to define. Number sense (Berch, 1998) refers to a child's sense of what number means, their variability and flexibility with numbers, and their skill to perform mental mathematics and to look at the world and make associations. Before children enter school most they gain this abstract structure informally through interactions with family. Other children require formal instruction to obtain this skill (Bruer, 1997). Foundational number sense can be viewed as nonverbal versus symbolic (Cirino, 2011).Nonverbal number sense is not sufficient for learning complex mathematic but it is a foundation to learning the symbolic number system. Jordan, Glutting, Dyson, Hassinger-Das &Irwin (2012).
Researchers have linked good number sense with skills observed in students proficient in the following mathematical activities like mental calculation (Hope & …show more content…

Counting is a powerful early tool complicatedly connected with the future development of students’ conceptual understanding of quantity, place value, and the operations (Geary, 2004). Young children often don't understand the meaning behind the counting they develop counting in a rote fashion in isolation from the actual number of objects involved (Smith 2012). Concrete representation should be used to develop initial understanding of counting and numbers. These concrete examples helps student to make visual comparison. It is important to remember there is no single concrete object that is most effective teachers have to be creative and provide different types of objects sense (Kamii & Housman, 2000). Children can use fingers at first to represent numbers then they should be taught to use concrete objects so that they can see math beyond classroom (Witzel, Ferguson & Mink , 2012) . Adjusting textbook work to teach students according to their need is very

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