Importance Of Maturity In Life

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Maturity is an important characteristic to have in life. To be mature means to respect other people's view and to thoroughly think choices through before making an abrupt choice. In life, it is significant that one learns this aspect in order to make personal growth. Without being mature, it prevents people from being able to have thoughtful discussions or even have trouble with socializing. However, every person goes through a situation in which they experience a moment and has to decide whether or not to be the bigger person and grow up or to be frivolous. When someone chooses to be petty rather than mature, it causes backfire. Eventually the person realizes the error of their ways and quickly regrets it. Many amicable relationships quickly turn odious because people fail to understand that maturity is important in life. I also had to learn this concept by facing the consequence of losing a relationship. Nonetheless, If I had a chance to redo the situation, I would change a few things, but not all. I strongly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Without me experiencing this, I …show more content…

We were both in belief that we were ignoring the other person. At the time it was very immature, but the only way to learn is from your mistakes. As a continuation from the situation, we kept ignoring each other in school and refused to text one another. I remember feeling so badly about the problem, not knowing what I did wrong. I just continued to go to school and did not let it change my behavior or grades. I did not want to confront her because remaining quiet seemed like the easiest decision to make. Remaining quiet meant for a guarantee for no argument or awkwardness which is what I was aiming for. It was not until a few weeks later I finally decided to go up to her and speak to her. We ended up laughing because we realized we were both just being petty and immature for the same

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