Importance Of Managing Diversity In The Workplace

782 Words2 Pages

Changes in workplace is creating diverse work environments, it is the responsibility of manager to identify factors which are most relevant and irrelevant in such situations, when executed properly both organization and at personal level or work groups enjoy certain benefits
Organizational benefits:
• More innovation and adaptability
• High productivity, creativity and quality teamwork
• Improved communication
• Recruitment and retention rate
• Assortment of viewpoints
• Better public image
• Greater customer loyalty
• Decline in interpersonal conflicts
• Fair and unbiased work environment
Personal benefits
• liberty to speak out our opinions and thoughts in a safe environment
• Enhance your assistance and value to self and others
• Diminished stress levels associated with marginalization
• Keen sense of belonging
• Better skills bring out the talents and proficiency to work
• Personal contentment
• Learning prospects
Barriers such as stereotyping, discrimination, tokenism and gender role prevents a work group from fully benefiting from the advantages of a diverse workgroup. In order to overcome such barriers organizations need to promote non discrimination and motivate its employees to comply federal laws e.g. Civil Rights Act of 1991, Equal Pay Act of 1963.
6. Managing Diversity

Leadership plays a key role in managing diversity in a work group. Managers should act as role models and treat people just the way they want them to be treated, and also should be able to forecast a positive self gratifying prophecy.
Positive self gratifying prediction occurs when there is an interaction with employees, based on assumptions that are proficient and will help them succeed until otherwise.
6.1 PlanSteps for Managing Diversity
1. The firs...

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...osing others respect and work environment restrains men from expressing themselves. He argues that it is crucial for a manager who is constantly in contact with people to be able to deal with his emotions and explains that it helps us become more alive as human beings.
He also suggests the below two reasons, in explanation to why people devote much of their time at work comparative to communicating with them.
1. While we train people to become ‘doers’, to succeed in world of action, we don’t actually train them to explore the world of emotions.
2. Reasons for falling short of gaining complete satisfaction of one’s needs.
Therefore, we it is crucial for us to address our feelings and start communicating with others, by which we will be able to acknowledge others opinions, personalities, beliefs and values and will overcome the individual differences and diversity.

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