Importance Of Keeping Wild Animals

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Owning wild animals can cause anxiety depression or even death for the animal or the person owning the animals. For all states the laws say there are three classes divided by how dangerous the animals are. Class 1 animals are illegal to possess and include bears, large cats, rhinos, crocodiles and primates . Class 2 animals are allowed only with a permit and include howler monkeys, macaques, bobcats, cougars, wolves and more. Class 3 A 2010 law forbids importing, selling, and releasing non-native species. This law further restricts capturing and keeping venomous reptiles and other reptiles of concern unless the owner had a permit before the law was enacted. Keeping wild animals as pets can be appealing, but it is important to remember that …show more content…

Keeping wild animals as pets requires a great deal of research and preparation, as well as provision of ideal housing and diet. Medical care is costly and can be difficult to find a veterinarian that can care for exptic animals.Owners need to carefully consider the ethical issues involved and the potential problems associated with owning a wild animal as a pet. Keeping wild animals as pets can be appealing, but it is important to remember that keeping a wild animal as a pet is associated with many potential problems, not to mention legal and ethical issues. Keeping wild animals as pets requires a great deal of research and preparation, as well …show more content…

The desire to own exotic animals is often short-lived, yet it is the exotic animals who suffer in the long run.Exotic animals require stringent and specialized diets that are essential to their well-being. When their needs are not met, the animals wind up malnourished and develop illnesses and disease. Many exotic pet owners are not prepared to provide full grown tigers, lions, bears with tens of pounds of raw meat and primates with the appropriate diet. Chimpanzee and monkey infants are irresistibly cute, and it might seem that raising one would be just like raising a human child. As infants, chimpanzees are affectionate, needy, and a delight to interact with. But chimpanzees grow up fast, and their unique intelligence makes it difficult to keep them stimulated and satisfied in a human environment. By age 5 they are stronger than most human adults. They become destructive and resentful of discipline. They can, and will, bite. Chimpanzee owners have lost fingers and suffered severe facial damage. Infant chimpanzees normally receive 24-hour attention from their mothers. Chimpanzee mothers will sleep with one hand on their child so contact is constant. No human can approach this level of caretaking. There are other problems to consider, constant messes, demanding feeding schedule, and the natural need chimpanzees have for mental stimulation.

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