Importance Of Human Connections In Frankenstein

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Human Connections Human connections play an important role in the lives of individuals and create a functioning society based on Mary Shelley’s view in the novel Frankenstein. This is an important trait that can either make life worth living or absolutely terrible. By being with other people, it can help keep a person sane. As a whole, human connections can better improve individuals to fit in. However, opposite results can happen within a society when human connections are misinterpreted. Nevertheless, human connections are a part of life that can not be escaped. As an individual, having the benefit of a friendship can keep one from going mad.Victor Frankenstein grows up surrounded by people who loves and cares for him deeply. Once he becomes old enough to study at University, he realizes that all the affection he has received …show more content…

When the monster meets the DeLaceys, he first learns the meaning of a family. The monster enjoys the “pleasure [he] experience[s] in watching [his] human neighbors…and…the divine sound that enchant[s] [him]” (94). This shows the monster how families act together and the way they care for each other. He also learns that even a beautiful family like the DeLacey’s can be unhappy like him. However, unlike the DeLacey’s, the monster does not have that special connection with anyone because he was abandoned by his own creator. By observing the family, the monster becomes a “master of their language, which knowledge might enable [them] [to] over look the deformity” (98). Old man DeLacey being blind, overlooks the monsters physical appearance and feels the kindness and tenderness in his soul. Because of the old man’s treatment towards the monster, he, for the first time feels welcomed into a society of judgmental humans. Sadly, the more the monster learns, the more he realizes that acceptance might but will never be due to prejudice within the

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