Importance Of Government Control Of Social Media

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Today, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Social media usage refers to the online communities in which users can share content and interact within. With the widespread nature and freedom of social media, come negative impacts like the utilization of social media to spread inappropriate material, proliferate hate-speech or instigate unrest. Therefore, the need to control social media becomes increasingly essential. Control of social media refers to restrictions or regulation of social media, implemented by governing bodies through means such as legislation or censorship. At a national level, governmental control of social media is a necessary measure to ensure social and national stability. While on a societal level, mediators …show more content…

During the 2011 London Riots, rioters organised the looting and violence through the use of Twitter and Blackberry Messenger. This exemplifies the capability of social media to propagate ideals and garner support for illegitimate or unpeaceful means. Through governmental control of social media, such as conducting cyber surveillance on social media websites, restrictions could have been utilised to pre-empt this threat, like finding the perpetrators and taking necessary legal action against them, or increasing security measures taken to protect civilians during the riot itself. For example, governmental organisations such as the multilateral PRISM or Singapore’s Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) engage in active cyber surveillance, where these bodies constantly monitor internet activity, conduct data profiling and use such data to protect national interests. They also engage in inactive cyber surveillance which involves data collection and access by necessity. Therefore, control of social media can play a critical role in preserving public security and subduing threats to safety, especially in instances when mob mentalities are being spread through social media. Furthermore, as explored in the Social Theory Contract , a citizen gives up some rights, such as privacy, in exchange for the assurance of safety and security by their government. Hence, governments must undertake the responsibility to maintain national stability and protect its citizens by using cyber surveillance as a means to control social

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