Importance Of Facilities Management

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Facility is a “place or building used for a particular activity or industry or for providing a particular type of services”, and management is “the act or skill of directing and organising the work of a company or organisation” as cited by (De Toni, Fornasier, & Nonino, 2006) from (Mazzarotto & Traverso, 2003). Facilities management defines as “the application of the total quality techniques to improve quality, add value and reduce the risks involved in occupying buildings and delivering reliable support services” (Alexander K. , 2003). Facilities management offers an integrated approach to operating, maintaining, improving and adapting the buildings and infrastructure of an organization in order to create an environment that strongly supports the primary objectives of the organization (Atkins & Brooks, 2005).

Facilities management requirement ever changing and lead to changing of facilities management focus. According to (Jensen, Sarasoja, Choenen, & Voordt, 2013), the evolution of FM focus is as follows:

i. FM is broadly introducing as a new discipline in many countries on 1980’s although this activity had been carry out previously. ii. FM is focusing on cost controlling and reduction on 1990’s by adaptation of some of the indicator in managing the facilities and services. iii. FM is motivates to providing an attractive workplace. iv. FM is refocusing to cost reduction due to the financial crisis and economy.
v. Nowadays, FM is emphasizing on the sustainability issues in managing the facilities and services.

Facilities management is broadly introduce on 1980’s but according to (Booth, 2013), “despite its confused beginning, the critical point of facilities management appears somewhere around the 1980’s”. However, the faci...

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... which has the aim to align People, Process and Technology initiatives of a company more closely with its business strategy and vision. In turn this helps to support and innovate new business strategies” (Business Transformation, 2007). According to (Bill, 2011), the result of transformation in business can in from of:

(a) Better customer operations
(b) Better product operations
(c) Better corporate operations
(d) Better profits
(e) Better return on assets
(f) Better positioning for the future for sustainable competitive advantage

In business environment, facilities management is a recognised tool of the business supply chain (Then, 2013). Figure 1.1 shows the business aspect from facilities management and from there, there are five (5) aspects namely (a)FM and business support; (b)FM and design; (c)FM and procurement; (d)FM and sustainability; (e)FM and people.

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