Imperialism In Uganda

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It was on the 4th of August 1972 when the president of Uganda Idi Amin ordered the expulsion of his country’s Asian Minority giving them not more than 90 days to get out if his country. The ethnic cleansing of Indians in Uganda was conducted by the government which claimed that the Indians were hovering and hoarding the wealth and goods of Ugandan and for that they were bringing down the Uganda economy. Many of the British Asians were brought to Uganda during the imperial period of the British empire. These people were brought to do clerical work in imperial service or unskilled manual labor such as construction. In the 1890’s, 32,000 laborers from British India were brought to south east Africa under indentured labor contracts to work on …show more content…

According to Uganda’s history with the British, on Tuesday October 9, 1962, Uganda gained its independence from Great Britain as a parliamentary democratic monarchy with traditional kingdoms meaning that the British should have never had control of who and how the Ugandan wolf street should have been handled but that was never an issue since the Uganda people had never really had a power figure that was Ugandan prior to that. Many Indians in southeast Africa and Uganda were in sartorial and banking businesses where they were being employed by the British. Knowing that Uganda was in a time of need whereby they were trying to rebuild their country after their fight for independence, president Idi Amin got tired of people that weren’t Ugandan holding higher positions that they Ugandan people. When the British starting giving Indians better jobs and made sure they held higher position in jobs that weren’t even that high, it started to cause a social division and stereotyping of the common minority races. I% of the population yet they were receiving a fifth of the national income meaning that the one percent that weren’t even Uganda or hadn’t fought for the Ugandan independence, were making twice as much money as a regular working born …show more content…

This led to a more segregated Uganda where the Asians felt very segregated against now that they were being limited on the roles that they would be able to hold in Uganda. Not to mention, the Asians were the same people that were fine with having a more segregated Uganda whereby they held the higher and more respected jobs while the average Uganda born would suffer and work twice as hard to be able to afford a living but as soon as the tables were turned, they felt segregated. President Idi Amin’s exploitation of pre-existing indophobia spread propaganda against Indiana’s which involved stereotyping and a minority scapegoating. Indians were starting to be categorized as “always cheating, conspiring and plotting” and trying to subvert Uganda. Which was true because before the Indians were brought into Uganda, these people knew nothing about stereotyping each other because this is a county that filled with people of the same color that work the same jobs and live in the same communities but when the Indians came to Uganda, all that changed. There was more tension for jobs that want there before the Asians came to Uganda. President Amin felt like Asians were only in Uganda trying to be greedy and acting like the

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