Impact of Parental Divorce on Children

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The Effects of Divorce on children
A Review of the Literature
In today's society, there are many different types of families. Some include parents, single families, stepfamilies and a variety of others. Along with these different varieties of families there is one common incident that can cause the family structure to change. Divorce is an unplanned event in a family's life. It is something that affects each member of a family at different times and in different ways. About half of all marriages will end in divorce, leaving one million children each year to deal with the process of divorce (Martin et aI, 2003). More than one million children are affected by divorce each year.
Research question: To determine the effect of divorce on children such as social and emotional. Also to understand the emotional harm to children of divorced parents. The main way to achieve this is to help the children maintain a close and secure relationship with both parents.
Statement problem: A relationship is one factor compared to several that have an impact on children. Children are in a crucial time for cognitive, psychosocial and emotional transformation (Hines, 2007). These are all impacts that adolescents face and a parental divorce can make this process more difficult during these transformations.
Purpose of the research: This study will review significant literature on the impact of parental divorce has. Since divorce is prevalent in today's society, understanding the impact on adolescents will be more helpful
Specific Aims:
1. To understand the impact of divorce on children
2. What impact does parental divorce have on the mother, father and adolescent relationship?
3. What is the impact on the adolescent's relationsh...

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