Impact Of Propaganda On American Culture

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The news has been a critical part of the American culture because it has the ability to construct ideologies and ingrain those ideas in a mass audience. The news has been with American culture since the newspapers and magazines. Although the news was only available to those that could such a medium of information it revolutionized with the invention of the penny press. The penny press made creating the paper affordable. At the same time, there was the construction of railways which lowered the transportation costs hence also lowering the distribution costs. However, then came the introduction of the radio which included radio in its. This impacted newspapers because this medium of consuming news was free. As a result, people started opting …show more content…

Propaganda is misinformation that supports a political agenda and in these cases, the agenda is to support their political party. A Stanford researcher quoted a man from the Alabama Department of Archives and History who stated, “During World War II, the government undertook unprecedented campaigns to engage Americans in the war effort. Private business followed suit, often attempting to link their products with appeals to patriotism. Propaganda and advertisement sometimes became inextricably entwined in the process” (Khanna). Propaganda became extremely effective as there was a rise in those enlisting in the military and a rise in production. Due to propaganda, the United States was able to have a large supply of weapons and equipment needed in the war. It is safe to suggest that propaganda is effective when persuading public opinion. The Nazi’s successfully did it in World War II which allowed the Nazi’s to gain support for genocide. The news wields so much power because people rely on it as its source of information and it is sometimes their only view into other countries and foreign affairs. Therefore, it has the power to shape opinions of other countries or entities that may or may not be true for the benefit of the American government’s

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