Immigration Protection Essay

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Larkin & Lacey
Human rights are inalienable, essential and should be prioritized at all times. The Heartland Alliance program called National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) was formed to guarantee access to justice and protect the human rights of immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees. As part of its wider objectives, NIJC offers direct legal services to advocates championing for the rights of the vulnerable communities through impact litigation, policy reform and public education. The whole process combines one on one client advocacy with systemic change. The services offered by NIJC include; general immigration services, unaccompanied children services, anti human trafficking, LGBT rights and asylum services. Most of the people who apply for general immigration services include eligible youths seeking to deferred action and employment authorization, victims of international human trafficking and immigrants applying for permanent residence through family based application.

On the other hand, the legal services offered to unaccompanied immigrant children targets children under 18 who enter the US unaccompanied by parents or guardian. The service aims to assess the options available to ensure legal immigration relief. The asylum seekers who need help from NIJC …show more content…

The journalists were arrested for exposing the presence of underlying grand jury proceedings that sough reporters notes on articles covering the Sherriff. The decision to award the settlement was made by the US Court of Appeals for the ninth Circuit. The fund is dedicated to supporting migrant right organizations and causes throughout the state of Arizona. Lacey and Larkin, who are also the founders of Phoenix New Time and Village Voice Media remain committed in their quest to champion the First Amendment

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