Immigrants In Canada

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As mentioned in the readings, Canada and the United States are similar in some respects to immigration as both have had similar experiences with their history of immigrants and the influx of immigrants to their countries. One important important difference to highlight is how Canada is far more welcoming to immigrants than the United States. Indeed, Canada can serve as a model for the United States to help facilitate immigrant incorporation and assimilation.
One of the ways Canada differs from the United States in regards to immigration is at the policy level. With the help of a wide array of policies, governments can assist immigrants in incorporating into society with the help of services that allow them to become productive members of society. …show more content…

Canada has a wide range of newcomer settlement programs. For example, one organization, the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) as Bloemraad points out, assists immigrants by helping them learn English or French so they will more easily assimilate. Again, the United States on the other hand, does not have such programs that encourage immigrant incorporation and assimilation the way Canada’s policies do. Outside actors and organizations play a large part in immigrant’s experiences, and the absence of them in the United States frames how immigrants view citizenship -whether as a set of legal rights or affinity and political incorporation. While some critics argue that these kinds of programs would encourage more unauthorized immigration, such policies would only encourage immigrants to participate in politics, and at the same time increase their loyalties to their host …show more content…

Bernhard in “Institutionalizing Precarious Migratory Status in Canada” draw a parallel to Bloemraad in that they question the non -citizen binary as it is also present in Canada. Although the authors argue that even temporary residents/workers can lose their status which leads to a state of precariousness, Canada offers differing worker programs that offer immigrants the chance to obtain at the very least, temporary status. One such program, the temporary foreign workers program, allows immigrants to obtain work permits, and even bring their spouses (250-251). Goldring and colleagues add “Moreover, in Canada, as in other localities, there are organizations that provide some services to people with various forms of precarious status and illegality, mitigating the effects of their legal status” (252). As previously noted, Canada has an abundance of organizations that provide assistance to immigrants regardless of status. More importantly, it is worth noting that Canada offers a host of worker programs that allow for immigrants to come in and work, even if for a limited period of time. The United States has since eliminated the Bracero program, and many opponents make the claim that immigrants steal jobs from hard -working

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