Imagery In Dante's Inferno

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Dante had always lived his life virtuously, however at some point he has become a sinner. Dante is unsure as to how he became such a lost soul wandering aimlessly through life. There was one treasure in his life, and her name was Beatrice. His beloved petitions Virgil to take Dante on a guided tour through the lower world to see other transgressors. During his visit he feels great sympathy for some of the sinners that he encounters. Dante finds himself wondering aimlessly in the dark woods he is obscure how he came to be there. He is panic-stricken in the woods and sees the sun on he horizon just then two beasts there to devour him approach Dante. Virtually like an angel a shadowy figure approaches him by the name of Virgil. The great poet
Dante must have trembled with fear at the thought of this. The mental image one has when thinking of Lucifer is red body with a single head and horns with a stinging tail. Many people believe that Lucifer alone is responsible for all he evil that goes on in the world. In Dante’s Inferno he paints vivid imagery that makes Lucifer appear weak. Dante’s has a gift of painting a picture so vivid that the images are clear to see. No one could ever imagine hell having so many different levels because we are taught that one sin is no different from another. Dante makes a clear point that not all sin is created equal; as he visits each level this is made clear. The existence of heaven or hell is some people’s beliefs. The fact that every man and woman will have to answer for he choices that were made in here life is frightening to some. It even scares many into living a life wholesome in Gods eyes. The picture that is painted of hell by Dante is enough to make any God fearing person look back at the choices that have made in a lifetime. Although we are taught that no sin is great than another this is a complete contrast to what Dante see in hell. According to the levels in hell sodomites, murders and traitors are all in different class, traitors being
So it is very important that people as a whole think about there actions the time that they are alive. Take time to think before you speak or judge another man Ask yourself is my life living according to the Word of God. Or is hell my final resting place and what level will

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