Ilyich Mechnikov Research Paper

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Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was born on May 15, 1845*, in a village near Kharkoff in Russia. He was the son of an officer of the Imperial Guard, who was a landowner in the Ukraine steppes. His mother, née Nevakhowitch, was of Jewish origin. Mechnikov went to school at Kharkoff and was, even when he was a little boy, passionately interested in natural history, on which he used to give lectures to his small brothers and to other children. He was at that time especially interested in botany and geology. When he left school he went to the University of Kharkoff to study natural sciences, and worked there so hard that he was able to complete the four year course in two years. Graduating at Kharkoff, he went, first to study marine fauna at Heligoland,

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