Identify And Explain The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Paramedic

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I am currently working towards becoming a qualified paramedic which is an unregistered occupation. When the Health Practitioners Competency Act (HPCA) was passed, paramedics were considered to pose a low risk of harm to patients; however, with the progression of the paramedic identity, this certainly requires re-evaluation (ref). The primary purpose of registering is to maintain professional standards and to protect the health and safety of the public (ref). This includes malpractice, negligence or discredit to the profession. Accusations will not be permanently held against the paramedic which is a safety risk to consumers (ref). Alternatively registration would enable appropriate discipline, rehabilitation and integration back into the organisation in a …show more content…

They are liable under their specified employment protocol and the HDCA (Health and Disability Commissioners Act, 1994). However this has clear limitations. Disciplinary action is managed within the employee’s private sector, which hinders standardisation and transparency across the border of the profession. Additionally it does not include the withdrawal or suspension of registration if the policy is breached or the practitioner does not meet the expected standard of practise, which applies to registered health practitioners (Berry, 2015). This has the potential for repetition of malpractice as the employee is able to resign, relocate and seek new work opportunities without formalised constraint. In the absence of mandatory reporting to a disciplinary committee, unprofessional behaviour has the potential to slip under the radar and continue unchecked if information is not shared between paramedicine sectors (Berry, 2015). This may be seen as an advantage to a subjected paramedic but at the cost of risking public health and safety, this is not ethically acceptable and is a strong jurisdiction for paramedics to be

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