Ideal knight

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Lancelot is a noble knight because he is very courageous. In Sir Lancelot's quests, he fought many people with his cousin Sir Lional and made them capitulate. Sir Lancelot made them swear to be the High King's men from then on. However, when Lancelot and Lional fought Sir Carrados and won, Sir Carrados refused to become the High King's servant so, "Sir Lancelot slew him after a mighty battle, and freed the captives he was holding to ransom in his tower" (89). The task that he accomplished was a very valiant act, it takes a lot of courage to be willing to fight for what you believe in. Sir Lancelot was dauntless when he fought Sir Carrados. He did not seem to be afraid to fight him and he had this sense of indomitability as if he knew that he would win the fight. Four queens came across Sir Lancelot and they all wanted to marry him, especially Morgan La Fay. Morgan La Fay said to Sir Lancelot that if he doesn't choose between the four queens he would have to die, and he responded "As for the Queen, my Lady Guenever––give me back my horse and harness and I will prove in combat with...

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