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The relevance of the declaration of independence
Liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. essays
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Recommended: The relevance of the declaration of independence
Which Ideal of the Government is the Most Important? What makes our nation a free land, what protects from tyranny, what gives us the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The Declaration of Independence. This document list ideals of our rights. While the Declaration of Independence is pretty much the most important document in history, listing all these ideals, which ideal is the most important? Before knowing which is most important, it is important to know the history of our most valued document, the Declaration of Independence was created after the French and Indian War, when Britain tried to tax the colonists. Protests led to rebellion, and war began, however, the Second Continental Congress sought peaceful resolutions, …show more content…
creating the document. Britain refused to meet these demands, and war begun. After the war, the king was executed, and the Declaration of Independence was made the founding document of America. Each ideal is important in its own way, protecting people in different areas, however, the most important fundamental of the Declaration would have to be… the right to alter or abolish the government. Whilst the others are important too, just not as much. But why this is the most important? Other ideals such as equality are very important to the Declaration, without equality, another ideal would cease to be upheld, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not everybody can achieve happiness, or even have liberty without equality. Women wouldn’t be able to vote, African American’s would not be able to access things only available to white people. Yet, if the people’s right to abolish the government was taken, we would still have equality, but the government could change that, nothing could stop them. Our unalienable rights are to be considered one of the greatest fundamentals withheld in the Declaration, it does not match near the most important. What use is acquiring these rights when they could be confiscated at any time? Our orthodox rights received at birth are nothing when they could be taken any time, the worst part of this ordeal would be that we would be helpless, should they decide to so. Now, as mentioned earlier, the right to life, liberty and happiness is a key essential in the Declaration. Without this right, people are executed from having freedom, making this ideal worthless without the ability to renew or construct a new government. We enjoy our natural rights, a great example of one way we may enjoy them is demonstrated by Steve Greenberg. As Steve Greenberg says, “I believe in the pursuit of happiness rather than happiness.” Meaning he prefers to chase his dream rather than it be easily fulfilled. This is because without a goal to chase, if all ones goals were to be accomplished, what purpose would he have. If the ideal of natural rights ceased to apply, the consent of the governed would be nothing.
The government would have no rights to protect, making the consent of the governed is the second most important ideal. “The most fundamental concept of democracy is the idea that government exists to secure the rights of the people and must be based on the consent of the governed.” – “The Consent of the Governed: Essential Principles.” Democracy web. Some countries are lacking in the consent of the governed, take for instance, China. In 1989, Chinese students gathered in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, demanding the government secure their rights. This led to the adoption of the Statue of Liberty, which symbolized their demands for truth, freedom, and …show more content…
democracy. Not every matter would be perfectly docile if there were no ideals other than the right to abolish the government, for it’s not the only thing holding our freedom, but rather one of the strong branches.
Without the consent of the people, only government would be composing new laws. This would mean that the people would not have any say in the process of lawmaking, or government decisions. Without our unalienable rights, we would basically live under a tyranny. Without equality, only some people are endowed to natural rights. However, these dilemmas could be solved easily with the ability to renew, or reconstruct the
The Declaration was for the colonists to seek for independence. The quote most widely known is “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”(Jefferson) The Declaration of Independence was written mostly by Thomas Jefferson who stated the above quote. Like the Declaration of Sentiments, all men are created equal. The Declaration of Independence allows the people to have the right to abolish an proposition that they do not agree with. They also have the right to institute a new government if they do not feel it is not ensuring safety and happiness to everyone; they can vote in a government who will ensure this. It is also the peoples right to throw out a government when laws are abused. Every year on July 4, people in the United States celebrate Independence day, also known as the Fourth of
The American Declaration of Independence has affected the foundation of the United States more than any other event or document in American history. The Declaration of Independence was the basis for what the country was established on. The document was a way for the colonists to emancipate themselves from the cruelty of King George. This document had such an impacting effect because it was such a new way of bringing up concerns. It was the first of its kind in the history of America in the aspect of liberation of a group of people.
Two hundred and twenty five years ago, a document was added to our constitution granting us five ideals. This document was called the Bill of Rights, which granted us the basic rights of opportunity, liberty, equality, democracy and rights. Since the Bill of Rights was added, not all of the ideals have been obeyed consistently. Liberty, rights, and democracy have been followed well throughout the years, but opportunity and equality have fluctuated. Although the constitution and bill of rights says every american should be granted with these ideals, some americans simply did not make that so.
The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, is a document that the majority of American’s know about. It is taught to children as early as elementary school. I remember learning about its basics all the way back in second grade when my teacher had the class put on a play about American history. As young as I was I knew the document is important but the thought did not occur to me that it is the basis for American Ethos.
Sovereignty means that the state has control over it is itself (“Sovereign”). America became sovereign whenever it broke free from British control during the late 18th century. This is because their laws were no longer determined by the British empire but instead themselves. The purpose of government depends on those implementing the system. In dictatorial regimes, the purpose of government is vastly different than that of a republic. In the United States, according to the Constitution, the purpose of government is defined to be “Establish Justice, Insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty” (U.S. Const. preamble). All the powers outlined in the Constitution are
Intro: The Declaration of Independence shapes our ideal vision in America by letting every individual have unalienable rights, not having to live under a tyrant, and having equality. These rights are to be protected by one government that is willing to secure these rights for the people. Due to not being responsible towards the people’s happiness, this government will be overthrown and replaced with a new one in which the people will be satisfied with.
On July 4th, 1776, America 's most important document in history was announced, "Declaration of Independence". The Declaration of Independence defined America 's prestige, value, and its freedom. It was the document which stated American colonies now did not want to be the part of British property. It is one of the most important days because for the first time in the history of America; it was on its own and stood as a single country. The majority of the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson which was debated by Congress and made many changes in the original document. One of the major changes made by Congress was removing an attack on the institution of slavery.
Democracy has been the root of a limited government, the system of which government powers are distributed so that one group of leaders do not have too much influence. The limited government has been structured to keep peace amongst all parties that are involved in the government. And under the U.S. Constitution, citizens are given ultimate power by their right to choose their representatives through the democratic process of voting. Each levels of the government are limited as they have their own responsibilities. The city government has the most local level of government as the residents elect a city council and mayor to represent their interest at the city level. All city governments establish housing and health regulations, and are responsible
Everyone knows that whole story of the Declaration of Independence about how it was made and who shaped it, but do they really identify what it is and what is has done for Americans. In the Constitution, there are many principles and one of those are the “Unalienable Rights”, in that right there are many different sections and these are: the meaning of “Unalienable Rights”, and what has “Unalienable Rights” done to America since first created.
The Declaration of Independence was written to declare that the thirteen colonies were claiming themselves as independent states. Then U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were written. These important papers spell out freedoms guaranteed to Americans and the laws that protect those freedoms. They talk of a government that works for the people.
In society today, we as citizens give up a certain amount of rights and place them into the hands of our government. We elect these officials and bestow upon them a certain level of trust that they will do things to benefit us, and our country. They make the laws we agree to abide by and protect us. This is an example of a reasonable level of authority. Nevertheless, does that mean we should blindly sit by if our rights are being taken advantage of? A famous case of when you should evaluate the authority, and go against it is the American Revolution. “No taxation without representation”, is a phrase we as Americans are all familiar with. This slogan sparked the American Revolution, when we could no longer be taken advantage of under Great Britain’s rule. Early Americans felt their rights were being violated with the unjust taxation, and the forcing of British soldiers in their homes. These violations affec...
The ideal political system can, and is, very challenging to create. We believe that the ideal system should accurately reflect the views of the people and create a system of powers that works throughout each branch of government. The branches of government include the executive, the legislative, and the courts. We also go into how these positions are elected, as well as the parties in which they are elected from. They all work together to create a sound government that will work in the best possible way.
The word democracy has its origin from the Greek words “ demos” meaning people or citizens in a
People have opposing interests which results to repercussions. To prevent chaos, society, though political and economic organization use the force and coercion to hold society together. People ought to give up the same rights as they expect others to do the same, and they would be satisfied with just with liberty in respecting each other....
Every government is power; the ability to influence others. How a government establishes and uses their power is how you determine the quality of the government. Based on the power a government has and how they choose to rule impacts the whole country and the quality of life for people. Governments greatly vary in how they operate but every government requires 3 key elements to be a government: they must have the right to rule; the authority to exercise its power; and the people must recognize the right of the government to exist. So although rulers come in and may take control, ultimately the people of the country must choose to follow someone for them to have any power.