Iago's Jealousy Quotes

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Iago is a manipulated two faced man who is seeking revenge on Othello for not promoting him to Lieutenant, and instead giving the position to Cassio. The word devil demonstrates Iago’s attempt to get revenge on Othello, and his two faced nature. Iago is talking to Brabantio, and telling him that Othello has married his daughter Desdemona and if Brabantio doesn't stop them quickly he will become a grandfather. Then to Othello, Iago pretends to be his friend and tells Othello that Brabantio and Roderigo are after him for marrying Desdemona. What is ironic about Iago’s statements is Shakespeare uses it to mean a wicked or cruel man, and Iago who has created the plan to get revenge on Othello is in fact the cruel man but is making it out to seem that …show more content…

This jealousy and Iago’s love of evil drives him to act like “the devil” with no true reason driving Iago to seek his revenge on Othello, but just justifications of how Othello has ruined Iago’s life. Also, to some extend, Iago shows how disrespectful he is to Othello calling him “the Devil” and to show how Iago despises Othello, due to his jealousy and hatred toward Othello. Playing into Iago’s revenge plan of ruining Othello’s life by calling him the devil he portrays Othello as a wicked man towards Brabantio, which creates drama and a rift between Brabantio, Desdemona, and Othello. With Brabantio believing that Othello has used black magic to win Desdemona’s heart, but when Desdemona assures her father that she truly loves Othello, Brabantio disowns Desdemona creating a rift between daughter and father that Iago has set into place by tricking Brabantio into believing that Othello has stolen his daughter thus creating more problems with the rising conflict in Othello’s life eventually leading to more chaos and trickery caused by

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