I am Ozymandias, the Unremembered King (An analysis of message from the poem, Ozymandias)

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At one point in all of our lives, there will come a time where we will all die. For some of us, this will happen sooner than others, but commonality between it all will be that we will all die. The famous and powerful will be remembered, while most of us will eventually be forgotten. If I could ask you the question, if you could be remember for the next one thousand years after your death, how would you like to be remembered? For some they have no control over this question. For them, they will be remembered for the actions they have already been committed. For some this is a good thing or a bad thing. For example, the Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramses II, who wanted to be remembered as the king above kings, has now gone down in history for infamous ruler. His statues and monuments have crumbled, such as his remembrance has. In the poem “Ozymandias” by Percy Shelly describes many important messages that we of today’s society could learn from.
The first major message from the poem, “Ozymandias” is that all great things come to end. Whether it is about a person, a country, or an idea, these...

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