Hmo's Accomplishments

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I am Committed to Pursue Medicine as a Career

My palms began to sweat profusely as I sat in the admission's office chair looking down at the white space on the application form asking for my major. This was the moment of truth: I would finally have to reveal to the world that I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. At seventeen and with only limited exposure to the medical field, I believed doctors were people in lab coats with test tubes who gave orders and cared only about science and money, not humanity. Becoming a doctor was one of the furthest things from my mind. I peered at the "undecided" box and checked it sheepishly. That action seemed to announce such failure.

All that I was certain of was that one-day I wanted to have …show more content…

Much of my job focused around statistical analysis of the HMO's preventative medicine programs. I was exposed to the true inner workings of the medical world and was completely enthralled with the scientific study and how dramatically science and preventative care could increase the quality of people's lives. Using my analytical skills to work with the doctors on program designs, interacting with the patients on implementation and seeing the effect of a positive outcome were uniquely inspiring. I had taken another step closer to knowing where I belonged.

Unfortunately, the HMO was not financially stable. I took a job at a computer training company that offered an opportunity to get out of number crunching. In the middle of a heated discussion with upper managers about a missed deadline, one of the vice presidents made the statement that what the training company did was not brain surgery. It did not really matter. No one would die. That was the last piece of the puzzle. At that moment I realized that I longed for a career where everyday I would make a difference.

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