I Was My Vagina Monologue

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Question 1
I am confident that I have a strong character building method. I believe that creating a background for my character only serves to enrich my performance. The first production I performed in was Annie, and I tried to portray a Ms. Hannigan that the audience could empathize with. Ms. Hannigan is constantly being portrayed as a bitter woman. I thought she was a depressed woman, whose depression manifested in her drinking. I tried to portray her as tired and stressed, taxed in a very human way. I wanted people to see Ms. Hannigan not just as an “evil stepmother” character, but as a woman who had devoted her life to children only to never find her own self-fulfillment. Given a flask, a feather boa and some really bad makeup, I made a …show more content…

Acting has never been a lone effort in my experience and I have always worked in a team in order to finish a production. I was in a production of The Vagina Monologues one semester at Brooklyn College. I had my own idea of how the more poetic character in “My Vagina Was My Village” should have behaved. However, as an actor is important to remember to respectful of the other talent and experience in the room. The director, my colleagues, and even the writers are all there to bring a vision to life. I was only a small part in big production and was given a lot of advice on how to proceed with the character. In the end, I reconciled my own feelings and theirs to create a performance everyone was proud …show more content…

In high school, I was a part of the Theater Development Fund, and we got to see several plays and musicals throughout the school year. Guided by our mentor, we would discuss some of the themes or ideas that were present in the performance. I learned so much from my peers and from the performances that storytelling and learning became synonymous to me. The past semester I took a speech course with Professor Mercer, who is an actress as well and she taught us that performing is not just to entertain but to teach. She told and taught us the fundamentals of Augusto Boll and the Theater of the Oppressed, which shed a whole new light on acting for

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