I Want To Pursue My Degrees

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I want to finish all my classes so that I can get the accounting technician certificate, and I am planning on finishing my the end of 2017. I also want to continue with my study to get my BA in business, so my academic goal for this year will be to complete all the classes necessary to get my certificate while working on my general education classes for my AA and transfer to a four year university for my BA, all while taking care of two kids, paying bill on time, keeping track of my kids academic school calendar, doctors appointments and anything else that come my way. I know and understand that it will get hectic but I also know that the best thing for me to get things done is to just push through it. Any help, guidance, or works shop that I can attend that will help me at school I will definitely take. The biggest support that I have are my two kids and my husband, all three of them help out as much as they can, and it helps me by alleviating some of the thing that I have to do at home which gives me more time to finish …show more content…

In the back of my head my goal has always been to be able to sustain my family, if for what ever reason my husband was not able to. I am taking advantage of the fact that my husband works full time and I only do part time work or temporary assignments from temp agencies, making it my priority to get my certificate. Once that is done I will work on my personal goal which is buying a nice home for myself and my family. A while ago I told my self that I would buy a house by the time I'm 35, I still have a few years to my 35th birthday so in the mean time I am working on all the academic study, so that I can get my certificate, get a steady full time job and finally buy the home that my family and I have been

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