I Hear America Singing Analysis

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America is the place of freedom and liberty. People in the working class run the country. The people in America have many different skin tones, religion and origins. "I Hear America Singing" by Whit Whitman writes about the people that make America what it is by the housewives, shoemakers, the mason, the carpenter, etc. In retort "I, Too" by Langston Hughes, a black slave. He writes about how America has forgotten about the black community. He argues that he should not be have to eat in the kitchen and that he is just like the other people that work in America. Walt Whitman, a white man writes in his poem about how great America is and how the workers make it what it is. He starts off the poem by writing, "I hear America singing, the varied …show more content…

a slave. He says, "I am the darker brother." He is what the rest of the people ignore about America and what they think is okay. Hughes says how he has to hide under the table when company comes and how he is neglected as a person. "But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong." Even though he is neglected he doesn’t forget that it will get better. If he eats and gets stronger under that table the next day he will not have to sit under the table. Hughes has hope. His views on what America is about are completely different from the views of Whitman. Hughes is the darker brother. "They’ll see how beautiful I am, and be ashamed." Hughes is telling the readers that once people see how beautiful he is they wont treat him and think of him the way they do. They way people think of other races and skin tones has been around for centuries. " I hear America Singing" by Whit Whitman is written about how great America is and the people that work it make it what it is. Whitman gives people the thought that nothing is wrong and that wasn’t true but for them it was. " I Too" by Langston Hughes is written by a slave. He is nothing like what is written by Whitman. He writes about the bad side of America but he knows that one day the America that Whitman writes about is the is the one he will live

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