I Have A Dream Literary Devices

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“I Have A Dream” Literary Analysis Martin Luther King Jr. gave one of the most historic speeches of his time entitled “I Have A Dream”. Within this speech he discussed the racial injustice and prejudices that were rampant at that time. This was a very tense period in history where any small action could potentially lead to large consequences. Being an African American was hard at this juncture in time, but King never let that stop him. He quickly became a champion for equal rights among all, and vouched for peaceful protests even if violence was tempting. The “I Have A Dream Speech” resonated with people of all cultures, and was a touching moment for anyone who was in attendance of this historic delivery. King used many key rhetorical devices, …show more content…

In “I Have Dream” the devices that are most prominent are: imagery, repetition, and conduplicatio. King uses vivid imagery when describing his vision for the United States. He states, “Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” His strong vocabulary choices, and usage of words like “majestic”, and “rise” all evoke very powerful imagery. King does this to show that the African American will not be brought down any longer. This speech also relies heavily upon repetition, this device is used to really drive home King’s message. The phrase “Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!” shows what King truly wants for America. He wants to emphasize freedom for all, and equal treatment regardless of race. This quote is from the end of the speech where King is really attempting to unify his listeners, and drive home is final point. Another heavily used device is conduplicatio. This literary device is the repetition of a key word throughout phrases. King exemplifies this device when he says “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” The notion of having a dream is what resonates the strongest here. King uses this device mainly …show more content…

This theme is racial equality and the halting of senseless discrimination. It wasn’t easy being an African American during these times, but Martin Luther King captured what it means to be an activist perfectly. This speech single handedly discussed every issue that was occurring at this point in history. King calls for unity, without preaching violence or hate which is something that transcends in to all matters of life. He focuses on making sure the next chapter in this turbulent time is met with an open mind, and the strength to power through to achieve

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