I Ching Essay

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22 ‘I Ching’ adages that Serve as an Oracle to Courage, Perseverance, Leadership and Life Last week I heard the term ‘I Ching’ again. It was my mamaji consoling my mother. From where I was seated, I was invisible to the population gathered at home but I had a clear view of the on goings therein. Mom looked petrified as mamaji went on with his vigilance, using words like ‘Power of I Ching’ and ‘I Ching Consultation’. I pondered over exactly what people are referring to when they say “I am consulting the I Ching?” Mamaji was the only person who could provide answers to the overflow of questions in my head. Later, I found its meaning and how it can be helpful through my conversations with mamaji. So, I am sharing what I understand and like …show more content…

Essentially, it is a primeval divination ‘manual’, the traces of which can be found all the way back to Shang Dynasty (1600 BC). Today, if you leaf through a modern copy of I Ching, you will be fascinated by its blend of imagery, poetry, philosophy and advice presented in about 64 chapters. The I Ching is frequently used as an oracle by millions throughout the globe for guidance, wisdom and advice on issues ranging from self-help and social insight to topics as practical as making investments and planning business trips. To say the least, I Ching can prove to be helpful in every plausible situation in life. It utilizes a form of divination called cleromancy which means gaining universal guidance by rolling and casting numbers arbitrarily. In here, we’re not going to evaluate the traditional methods of interpreting and benefitting from the I Ching, but, let us have a look at 27 thought provoking quotes that have the potential to assess and provide solutions to the current state of affairs in your life. Also, if you believe in synchronicity, today could prove to be your lucky

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