I Am Bisexual

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I am bisexual. Are you paying attention now? Bisexuality holds an interesting position when it comes to sexual minorities. On one hand, it's seen as the ultimate liberation: "They'll do it with anyone...how hot!". But when it comes to seeking mainstream social acceptance, we can be seen as the worst in sexual perversion: "They'll do it with anyone...how shameful!". There are many theories and opinions on bisexuals, some I agree with, others do not fit my definition of being bisexual. The important thing is that bisexuality is real, it's not a "transition period" to being gay, a homosexual in denial, or a person who just can't make up their mind. Being bisexual is a huge part of my identity, something that no one can take away from me. I cannot imagine not liking both sexes in just the same way that completely straight people can't imagine being attracted to someone of the same sex.

My experience with being bi is that I am attracted to males and females in very different ways. The way I think of it is that when it comes to guys, I am like most girls; personality and intelligence is most important, looks come later. But when I've got my eye on a girl, I take on a more typical "male" attitude. Appearance becomes more important and I find myself very picky and critical. Girl-watching is among one of my favourite social activities, with my male friends at least. I can't explain the way I am, I just know what I feel, and it's become an important part of my personality. The group of bis that I do not fit in with is those who preach gender indifference. "We love people, not genitals!", they proclaim. I am attracted to males and females in completely different ways and I can't look at a person without seeing a gen...

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...who checks out more girls than you do?). I have been involved with both males and females in the past, and if you must have a number, I'd put myself about 60/40, guys to girls. A question that I am often asked is if I have a girlfriend as well as a boyfriend. I believe that cheating is cheating, whether it's with someone of the same or opposite sex, and that it's wrong to be involved with someone of the opposite or same sex without my current partner's knowledge. Bisexuality may be a new concept for many people, but I hope that as we go forward, people will feel comfortable being open about sexuality. I'm lucky that I have been in an accepting environment and acknowledged it without a struggle. For some, it is a long and emotional process. Your sexual preference is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of, whether you're male or female...accept it and enjoy it!

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