Hypocrisy Essay

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Hypocrisy is described in this week’s lesson as putting on a phony contrived false appearance.
We are always willing to point our fingers at others when we have a discussion about hypocrisy. The real problem with hypocrisy is that it is not always someone else who is the hypocrite.
Have you never displayed a public appearance that casts you as a person with virtues character; when in fact that wasn’t the truth?
When you are displaying how virtues you are for the public, have you never pretended that you would never ever consider veering off the morally straight course?
Our lesson explains to us that hypocrite is a word derived from ancient Greek actors who while on the stage would wear a mask and followed a written script as they acted out …show more content…

Today in a religious setting when the word hypocrite is used to describe a person who is only acting very pious and virtuous and proclaiming a love for God.
To qualify as a religious hypocrite a person will be living a lifestyle that is totally opposite of their true actions and lifestyle.
Our lesson points out that legalism can even be a form of hypocrisy.
If I preform acts just to gain righteousness when it is the opposite of what is truly in my heart; I am guilty of hypocrisy.
Just conforming to a list of man-made religious rules for the wrong reason could cause you to be called a hypocrite.
Isaiah 29:13
13 The Lord says:
“These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their …show more content…

Would you not consider the fact that you are hiding your Christianity from others a serious form of hypocrisy?
I have heard and read Luke 11:33 many times but never thought of it as a cure for hypocrisy until this week’s lesson?
Luke 11:33
"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.
Sadly, I think I personally have been guilty far too many times of placing a bowl over my lighted candle instead of proudly displaying my Christianity for other to observe.
Why would it just be easier to place a cover over your Christian heart to conceal the fact that you are a Christian?
It is much easier to not display your Christianity so that you can fit-in; when it’s time for you to partake in some questionable worldly activity.
I thought of something I have done many times; isn’t it much easier to just remain silent when you are standing next to a person who is using God’s name in some in-appropriate

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