Hydromaint Year
During Hydromaint's audit, you and Pam had a number of discussions. You, Pam, and Mike Johnson are generally satisfied that the accounts are in accordance with GAAP and are supported by underlying facts. Pam tested Jerry's pension accounting (which she found to be correct) by preparing a pension worksheet based on data contained in the actuary's report:
Current service cost $1,064,043
ABO at 12/31/X7 2,840,000
Interest on the PBO 8%
Interest on plan assets 8
Jerry has agreed to adjust his accounts and note disclosures for all corrections proposed by C & L. Pam raised a number of questions that may require adjustment. No other matters were found to be questionable. Pam's questions are as follows:
1. Accounting for R&D does not appear to be in compliance with SFAS No. 2. The work is of the nature described in SFAS No. 2, para. 9, and is not being conducted for others under contract.
2. Pam also noted that warranty contracts are given on all sales of pumps and valves. LS-Pump/Valve and now Hydromaint, have accounted for warranties only on the costs to "make good" when warranty claims were actually filed by customers. If warranty costs had been recognized as sales were made, the liability at January 1, 20X7, would have been $500,000. Pam noted, however, that Nick Riley and Ray Ballard were aware of the warranty contracts and took these into account in valuing the acquisition of LS-Pump/Valve. Nick and Ray did ...
Andrea may decide not to inform the limited partners about the misrepresentation of Skyline Views’s financial statements; to avoid conflict, this decision permits Ed to deceive the company and limited partners. In addition, by deciding not to inform the limited partners of Ed’s deceit, Andrea would be disregarding the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Code of Professional Conduct in her being unreliable, dishonest and deceitful. Andrea has the responsibility of protecting her client, which involves encouraging the correction of financial statements in order to prevent suspicion during audits that could lead to fines and imprisonment. Andrea’s second option is to inform the limited partners about how misrepresentations of Skyline Views’s financial statements are permitting Ed to claim a higher management fee; this decision will fulfill her due diligence obligation to the limited partners while maintaining her integrity as a certified public accountant in supporting the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Code of Professional Conduct.
Since the Court found that Jacob & Youngs had substantially preformed the contract, and that the cost to remedy to damages unreasonable, Kent is entitled to be compensated the difference in value between the reading manufacture pipe specified in the contract and the pipe that was actually installed.
Financial Accounting Standards Board. (1985). Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 86. Norwalk. Retrieved April 7, 2014, from http://www.fasb.org/cs/BlobServer?blobkey=id&blobnocache=true&blobwhere=1175820922177&blobheader=application%2Fpdf&blobheadername2=Content-Length&blobheadername1=Content-Disposition&blobheadervalue2=189998&blobheadervalue1=filename%3Dfas86.pdf&blobcol=url
During the Simply Soups, Inc. audit, we were responsible for confirming the balances for each of the company’s bank accounts. The purpose of sending confirmations is to obtain a reasonable expectation that the balances presented on the books reflect the actual values recorded by the banks, addressing any issues of existence. In addition to providing validation from a reliable source, confirmations also allow us to reconcile any issues concerning money in transit.
This is a complex case, involving multiple parties and several variables that need to be examined thoroughly. The parties mentioned include Knarles operator of the facility maintenance company, his son Barkley, their employee, a licensed plumber, and Mr. Chetum. Although in the end Chetum is suing the facilities maintenance firm for a breach of contract, all factors must be examined to determine proper fault.
The board of directors must also be aware of the accounting requirements for income taxes. Income tax preparation is based on the amounts shown in the association’s fi...
Rittenberg, Larry, Bradley Schwieger, and Karla Johnstone. Auditing. 6th ed. Mason: Thomas South-Western, 2005. 10-40.
The primary basis for this categorization varies depending on the phase of the project. In addition to the changes in the timing of the internal-use software capitalization, the new standard requires the entity to disclose a general description of the software acquired or developed, the various significant judgements and assumptions applicable, both a qualitative and quantitative description of the costs that were and expensed or capitalized during the period, and a description of the period over which the implementation costs are an expense in the income statement (ASC
The oversight responsibilities of the board, the CAE lacking of expertise or broad understanding of financial controls and responsibilities, and the understaffed internal audit functions lacking of independence and direct access to the board of directors contributed to the absence of internal controls. To begin with, the board should be retrained to achieve financial literacy to review financial reporting. Other than attending formal meetings, the board of directors should be more involved with the management. For the Audit Committee, the two members who were recruited as acquaintances to Brennahan need be replaced with experts who are more sufficiently knowledgeable about accounting rules beyond merely “financially literate”. Furthermore, the internal audit functions need to expand with different expertise commensurate with the expanded activities of the organization, testing financial reporting rather than internal controls from an operational perspective. The CAE should be more independent and proactive to execute audit plans, instead of following orders from the CFO, and initiate a direct and efficient communication between internal audit and audit
Many differing opinions exist on what needs to be done about our current status of conserving energy and conserving our environment. With increased gas prices and energy costs, consumers are more aware of what benefits are available and the methods of obtaining them. The introduction of hydropower has been a major step for some, while a stumbling back for others. Advocates for hydropower have provided much information about the many benefits that we reap from using hydroelectric dams. Environmental activists denounce the many negatives that are created by the numerous dams located throughout the United States as well as other countries. Both sides present valid arguments and need to be addressed in order to fully understand the complex social, biological, political, and economic pros and cons.
In Sudan, Africa, Thousands of people have a fear of getting a disease caused by mosquitoes called malaria. Malaria can lead to many problems in someone’s life, such as sickness or even death and that’s what we will be talking about today. In the book Year of No Rain by Alice Mead the theme is take precautions around mosquitos. Is There Any Hope for Peace in South Sudan?
Accounting is a way to provide information that” identifies, records and communicates the economic events of an organization”(Weygandt, J., Kimmel, P., & Kieso, D., 2012). In order to ensure that businesses and accountants produce similar financial statements, they are held to generally accepted accounting principles or GAAP standards (Weygandt, et.al. 2012). In addition to GAAP standards, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was passed by Congress to help reduce unethical behavior by large businesses (Weygandt, et. al., 2012). The combination of the two provides reassurance to stakeholders or interested parties that the financial statements are uniform and provide reliable data. This is of the utmost importance for a business to be successful.
Ms. Cooper led a team of internal auditors of WorldCom Inc. She was asked to help with a review of books for the new CEO, John Sidgmore. Her job was to go through capital expenditures. Going through the books, she
"Accountants." WISCareers. University Of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2009. .
The cheapest way to generate electricity, today, is hydropower. The reason for that is, once a dam has been constructed and equipment installed, the source of the energy is free. It is a fuel source that is renewable because of things like snow and rainfall. Engineers may control the water flow on demand.