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Final Paper Business Law 201 Keith S. Ferguson This is a complex case, involving multiple parties and several variables that need to be examined thoroughly. The parties mentioned include Knarles operator of the facility maintenance company, his son Barkley, their employee, a licensed plumber, and Mr. Chetum. Although in the end Chetum is suing the facilities maintenance firm for a breach of contract, all factors must be examined to determine proper fault. Knarles’ company is based in Maryland and does business in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Ian Chetum’s building is located and the work to be done is in North Virginia. Each territory in the United States, including Washington D.C. has it’s own state courts. If the breach of contract was filed within the first month of business where Mr. Chetum likely only paid between $2000-$4000, this claim could have been filed in a Limited Jurisdiction trial court or a small claims court. Upon the injury of multiple people due to Carbon Monoxide poisoning it is likely that the dollar amount will increase significantly this and the fact that there are multiple state jurisdictions involved will also change how it is handled. This case could be heard in U.S. Federal court if Knarles deems it necessary. Otherwise it will likely be heard in Virginia’s state court. This is so because as stated in our textbooks “State court’s and the courts of Washington D.C. territories of the United States have jurisdiction to hear cases that federal courts do not have jurisdiction to hear.”(Cheeseman pg 31). Another factor to consider is if the hospitalized parties sue Mr. Chetum for negligence. Knarles would be involved in this case as well since it was his firm who did the maintenance. This would likely s... ... middle of paper ... ...e actions of his company and the work they do in the line of duty. He has also employed a plumber without a license and may be found to be at fault for that plumber’s lack of a license. Although Mr. Chetum deserves to be brought to justice it seems that just about everyone who has a hand in the wrong can be held liable even for just following orders. Knarles would be wise to re-evaluate just who he puts his faith in before leaving the state and his business in the hands of a seventeen year old again. Works Cited Business Law 201 Henry Cheeseman Legal environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/breach+of+contract http://images.findlaw.com/optimost/accident-injury-law/elements-of-a-negligence-case-2.html http://e-lawresources.co.uk/Duty-of-care.php
FACTS: Dr. Robert Lee Berry (Defendant) was a practicing anesthesiologist, who practiced with Dr William Preau and Dr. Mark Dennis. He was also shareholder in Lakeview Anesthesia Associates, LAA (defendant). Berry also had staff privileges at Lakeview Medical Center (LMC) (Defendant). In Nov 2000, Lakeview (Defendant) investigated Dr. Robert Berry after nurses concern. In March 2001, Berry was found groggy, unfit to work and sleeping in a chair, Based on this incident and suspicions that Barry was stealing Demerol from the hospital, he was terminated from LAA and Lakeview and his LMC staff privileges were withdrawn. Afterward, Berry applied for job as anaestheologist in Kadlec Medical Center (plaintiff). Before employing Kadlec, the facility sent a letter to Lakeview requesting recommendations and included a questionnaire with specific questions to be answered.
The Plaintiffs of the case are Glynace H. Norton and his wife, Anne Graves Norton, The defendants of the case are the insurer of the Baton Rouge hospital: Argonaut Insurance Company, Mrs. Florence Evans R.N,,ADON (Registered Nurse/Assistant Director of Nursing services) whom had administered the fatal medication; and Aetna Casualty & Surety Company, that covered the liability insurance for Dr. John B. Stotler, who delivered the negligent order.
In the plaintiff’s suit, he alleged the surgery did not go well because the hospital had hired a surgeon, who was not competent or qualified enough to perform the surgery therefore; the hospital was just as negligent as the doctor was. Before the trial date, Dr. Salinsky and his insurance company, Employers Mutual Liability Insurance Company of Wisconsin, settled with plantiff out of court on the basis they will be released from the suit upon payment of $140,000 (Johnson v. Misericordia Community Hospital). Although, Salinsky settled with plaintiff prior to trial, there was still “question of whether he was negligent in the manner in which he performed the operation on July 11, 1975, remained an issue at trial, as it was incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove that Salinsky was negligent in this respect to establish a
Since the Court found that Jacob & Youngs had substantially preformed the contract, and that the cost to remedy to damages unreasonable, Kent is entitled to be compensated the difference in value between the reading manufacture pipe specified in the contract and the pipe that was actually installed.
“One of those obligations is that it must exercise a proper degree of care for its patients, and, to the extent that it fails in that care, it should be liable in damages as any other commercial firm would be
In the case of Kolchek suing to recover for Litisha’s injuries, she can sure under the negligence liability. Every product should be fully tested in every way possible to see if the product functions correctly and will it injure individuals. There should not have been a whole that is not covered. Like stated in our book The Legal Environment of Business, “if a manufacture fails to exercise “due care” to make a product safe, a person who is injured by the product may sue the manufacture for negligence”. Kolchek could sue the manufacture. In this case which is Great Lakes spa. Porter was just a company that was selling the product. Great Lakes spa should have taken the initiative to examine their products throughly before putting it out on the make for individuals to buy. Like in our book The Legal Environment of Business stated, “A manufacture, seller, or lesser is liable for failure to exercise due care to any person who sustains an injury proximately caused by a negligently made (defective) product.”
Ron Engineering & Construction Eastern Ltd. v. The Queen in Right of Ontario et al. 24 O.R. (2d) 332,
Nearly every aspect of law enforcement has a court decision that governs criteria. Most court rulings are the result of civil lawsuit towards a police officer and agency. However, currently, there is no law that mandates law enforcement driver training. When it comes to firearms, negligence by officers has resulted in a multitude of court rulings. Popow v. City of Margate, 1979, is a particularly interesting case that outlines failed firearms training by an agency. In this case, an officer chasing a suspect during a foot pursuit fired at the suspect, striking and killing an innocent bystander (Justia.com, 2017). The court ruled that the agency was “grossly negligent” of “failure to train” (Justia.com, 2017). As a result, nearly every agency requires annual firearms training and has written policy concerning the same. Officers must show proficiency in firearms use every year to maintain their certification. Many states even impose fines on officers for
According to the facts in this case, Walkovszky was hit by a cab four years ago in New York and the cab was negligently operated by defendant Marches. The defendant Carlton, who is being sued, owned and ran the cab company in which he set up ten corporations, including Seon. Each of the corporations had two cabs registered in its name. The minimum automobile liability insurance required by the law was $10,000. According to the opinion of the court the plaintiff asserted that he is also ?entitled to hold their stock holder personally liable for damages, because multiple corporate structures constitutes an unlawful attempt to defraud the general member of the public.?
In this case perhaps McCoy would wish to be a limited partner and be removed from the day to day operations. An option he could choose could be to be a Limited Liability Corporation, may come with additional costs, work and headaches, but even so as we with any business it has its advantages, which includes the flexibility of who manages the business, can be easier to raise capital and add or transfer ownership interests. Owners are no longer liable for business debts, but the
W.R. Grace, the company that contaminated the water, is guilty of negligence. The company failed to take reasonable care to protect the community of Woburn from harm. I personally see three main elements of negligence in this court case. The elements are duty, proximate cause, and damages.
The construction site was in a downtown area of a large southeastern city, criss-crossed with city streets, utilities, and immediately adjacent to mid-rise and high rise buildings. Nearly all of the work was required to be constructed within temporary piling structures to limit settlement of adjacent structures. The construction contract called for seven phase releases of work areas and nine completion milestones, each milestone has its own liquidated damages penalty. The construction contract was valued at $10 million, and the duration was 545 calendar days. Following the completion of the work, the contractor filed a claim for $5.5 million and 1.1 million in interest. The authority subsequently denied the claim and the contractor, in accordance with the contract, filed an arbitration demand with the American Arbitration Association. Following the contractor’s issuance of the demand letter, the parties agreed to resolve the dispute through negotiation” (Ray,
On May 24, 2016, I performed a physical assessment on patient LW who is a 79 year old, Caucasian, female. She came in to the hospital on April 5, 2016 with a diagnosis of hyperkalemia, LW no longer has hyperkalemia instead over the time of her stay at the hospital she developed respiratory failure which is now her diagnosis. During my time with LW, I performed a full body system physical assessment while also obtaining a thorough medical history from the patient, her primary nurse, and her family members. LW is scheduled to be discharged to home on May 25, 2016, with her two sons wh are also her caregivers.
Even though his firm was only required to do civil engineering work, Giffels concluded that there was an unacceptable risk to the firefighters who would use the facility with the unresolved issues, so he began contacting other firms with experience handling similar contract projects, part of exercising due care to ensure they could enhance safety. The training facility met the minimum requirements of the law, but Giffels felt that it would be shirking the responsibility his firm has to the public by not callin...
Marketing is a system of business activates designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying products, services and ideas to customers in order to achieve business objectives. Consumer law protects consumer’s rights in the marketplace as well as fair trading, competition and accurate information. On the other hand, ethical aspects of marketing are about making marketing decisions that are morally right. However, consumer law and ethical aspects of marketing have a lot of advantages and disadvantages in the marketplace, which impacts business 's sales and growth like it happened to: Harvey Norman, Nurofen, apple, etc.