Hydrocodone Research Papers

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Addictive Properties of Hydrocodone: An Inside Look of Addiction Addiction is something that is brushed under the table and not a topic for the majority of people in the United states. While in fact it needs to be discussed when it causes 444,000 deaths every year (Gurung, 2016). That is a very large problem that needs to be discussed and ultimately addressed with a plan of action. Addiction to drugs is very difficult thing to deal with and realize for the user and one common form of addiction comes from prescription drugs (Caldwell, 2013). One of these specific drugs in Vicodin which contains the drug hydrocodone. Vicodin mixes hydrocodone with acetaminophen and serves as a pain killer (Caldwell, 2013). This study will focus on the purposes of using this drug, the influences it has, health implications, and intervention techniques. Vicodin is prescribed for one reason. That one reason is pain. Vicodin works on the opiate receptors in the body to help reduce pain levels (Caldwell, 2013). Many athletes are exposed to these drugs, especially on the college and professional level (Kalb, 2001). Athletes, as stated by this study, are inundated with these medications. Athletes are constantly pressured to perform at the highest level which puts them …show more content…

These symptoms also show the health hazards. Once the body begins taken Vicodin or any prescription drug, it begins to form a dependence which makes it very difficult to stop taking it. The symptoms the body experiences when suffering from addiction can help increase the intake of drug by the user. The worse they feel from the drug, the more they will end up taking the drug (Caldwell, 2013). In addition to this, the user must continually increase the doses in order to experience the same effect which can increase the users risk of an overdose which could result in death (Henry

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