Hunger In America Essay

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Hunger is a big issue in the United States and the world. It's a big problem for many families, children and adults. We should fix hunger in the U.S by offering more alternatives or helping out in different ways than are already in place because there are not enough. We can do this by paying other bills like water and electricity or giving money just for food or have meals sent to people who are in need of them. This is true ( Reason number one) because there are already moderately good systems in place but they aren't working well enough because many people are still going hungry. “According to a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 49 million people in the United States live in households struggling to find enough food to eat. Nearly …show more content…

“According to a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 49 million people in the United States lived in households struggling to find enough food to eat. Nearly 16 million are children, who are far more likely to have limited access to sufficient food than the general population.” (Frohlich). There are many plans and options for food to be bought like food stamps, unemployment , food pantries and free and reduced lunches at school but, many people can't apply for those or even with them they can't afford people are unable to feed themselves and many children suffer in the process. The school lunches are good but they are sometimes not good enough for kids who may not get a breakfast or dinner and if they are able to get other meals they aren't always big enough or have the necessary nutrients that is necessary for them to grow and develop. There is also the uncertainty of where they food they're eating is from or if it is safe. This also causes other problems other than hunger. Without knowing where their next meal is or know weather or not there will be a meal for them when they get home this can cause stress levels to go up and school performance to go down. With better programs to acquire food there could be a more successful future for the US and the money that was spent on the kids when get paid back in taxes when they are more successful than before because they will get paid more and have higher

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