Hunger Games By Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot: An Analysis

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Regrettable actions taken in the past may haunt us now as skeletons in our closets and may very well continue to do so in the future. Even so, this purgatory is necessary for our growth, development, and success in the future. We as people learn from our mistakes, and if we fall far and hard enough will be sure not to make the same mistake again. For this reason, as stated by Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, “old memories [are] a chance to reckon with the past” and learning and prospering from such a reckoning is vital. One example of learning from the past and changing future actions based on feedback is in the first book in the Hunger games trilogy, the Hunger Games when Katniss and Peeta needed to watch the former games, to study all who’ve died and how. They need to study these clips so that they may not suffer the same cruel fate as those who had died before them. Although the deaths may have been gruesome to view and analyze, they were essential to the survival of the pair …show more content…

If someone doesn't like me, then they can (excuse my language) simply piss off because I have more things that are occupying my time, and unnecessary feeling/feeling bad about it isn't one of them (any longer). I have grown and learned from my mistakes in that I no longer try and change aspects of my personality to better suit others because I am not here to please others, I’m here (at school) to be me and get educated. I went from a B- average student to an A average student, I became much more outgoing and friendly, I stopped acting as someone who I was not and started acting as the person I wanted to be. One major silver lining in this whole ordeal was that it led me to become friends with my best friend, Emily Chun, and although I am most certainly not the best or the smartest person around she still bears with

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