Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared

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No matter how old you are or how dangerous it is, never stop living life on the edge, and always stand for what you believe in. This is the message in both the novel The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson and the film Guardians of the Galaxy directed by James Gunn. The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared tells the story of a man named Allan Karlsson and his past experiences and troubles with the Never again gang. Guardians of the Galaxy follows a man named Peter Quill who steals a strong weapon and must protect it from an evil man named Ronan. Despite the differences in the genres of the book and movie, they have similar plots and characters; The characters with the most similarities are Allan Karlsson and Peter Quill, Göran Aronsson and Korath, and Per-Gunnar Gerdin and Ronan.

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