Humor And Gender Research Paper

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Humor and Gender
One of the many differences between women and men is humor and you may think that humor is more of a personal trait an individual characteristic and that differs by person. However, speaking on more of a general view humor among women tends to have similar traits that are completely different from men humor. Women are more prone to use humor in a way of self-deprecating. They use it to make a situation that otherwise would be very sad become lightweight to speak of. Men sometimes don’t understand the line of when their humor has crossed the line or when humor shouldn’t be used. In occasions being serious is the best way to deal with the situation while laughter helps ease the mood it is not always the best thing to do.
Humor is much more important than we may think studies have shown the importance of humor in marriages. One of the articles states, “They found that in couples who had major life stressors such as death in the family or a lost job, the husband’s use of humor during problem solving was a warning sign.” Going on to say that these couples would later be most likely to separate if not get a divorce. The use of humor …show more content…

Men don’t show importance to whether the woman they are talking to makes them laugh or not but on them being able to initiate that laughter. They want to be the ones to make the women laugh because to them it shows interest not to mention men find them more attractive. This behavior has been seen for years it is the way many relay on for signals of interest in the opposite gender. Looking at younger generations boys use humor to attract the girls they are interested and the same traits are seen. Humor is a great way for genders to communicate as long as it is considering the

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