Humor And Drama In Lost In Yonkers By Neil Simon

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The play “Lost in Yonkers” by Neil Simon is an extraordinary book to read. The play takes place in the 1940’s during World War 2 where men were being sent off to war but with this particular family, the father did not exactly go to war to fight but rather left for a job opportunity to pay off some debts he owned. In the result of this, he left behind his two young boys Jay and Arty to stay with their grandmother and Aunt Bella. At first, the grandmother did not like that idea and still didn’t after they left but by them staying it gave their aunt Bella courage to stand up to her mother about wanting to feel love through affection. Not only did Aunt Bella felt this way but so did their father and uncle Louie who was a “gangster” ,so the boys …show more content…

One humorous moment in the reading was when Jay and Arty described grandma to a wrinkly ice. Comparing kissing their grandmother to wrinkly ice have so much humor because many times grandmothers are viewed as strong, strict but lovable. Instead she was the opposite. Another part was when Bella tried to tell her nephews that she was getting married to some guy who was an usher that had a reading impairment. The funniest part of this was when Aunt Bella fiancé wanted to open a restaurant and Aunt Bella did not think twice about the idea. It did not bother her at all, what so ever. Although, these moments were funny, it enhanced so much drama within the play. Another part was when Arty the youngest were trying to imitate the grandmother on pg. 44, saying “ya, ya,ya,ya”. By saying this, Arty was making fun of his grandmother in a playful but dramatic while jumping on her couch. Moments like these and many more made this such a well- rounded and fantastic play and won many awards in the highest honors that was bestowed on a dramatic work. The awards that were given for this play were well deserved because it had all the elements that makes a play great. Humor, drama, realistic, imaginary etc, are all components that this play has along with delivering a powerful

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