Human Validation Process Model

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The theory that I would use is called the Human Validation Process Model. My family suffered a great deal and most it was in silence, some of them died before any help could be available for them. As much trouble this family has experience with racism, I think trusting a family therapist will be impossible for the older adults. According to Bitter (2014), Satir’s human validation process stresses enhancement and validation of self-esteem, family rules, congruence versus defensive communication patterns, sculpting, nurturing triads, and family mapping, and family life-fact chronologies. What I would like to know about my grandparents and my parents is how society made them feel and what kind of effect did this have on the family unit from one generation to the next. I chose this theory because so much has happened in this family prematurely, such as: my parents divorced only five years into the marriage. One of my uncles suffered from gambling addiction, which led to him and family being homeless. Another one …show more content…

I find it heartbreaking that some of the things that my family has gone through could have been managed with the right interventions. After viewing the videos and readings the materials and doing the discussions, there is hope for all type of situations that families have problems with, but one has to be willing. In this profession, my hopes are to gain the knowledge that is needed to bring families to the helping process because they want to see change and have a better connection within their families. I am a stronger individual who feels confident about working with the Hispanics culture and any other culture as well. African Americans, as well as Hispanics may fear the thought seeking family therapy or other professional help, but if a situation call for family therapy, my suggestion to the client(s) would be that help begins with

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