Introduction Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, or other status. And these human rights is violating in some country like Central African Republic, Syria, USA, Ireland, and etcetera. One example is Syria where the people afraid live here. Therefore, article 3 of the Universal Human Rights is violated in Syria. This essay seeks to consider the human rights violations in Syria. This research will begin by evaluating the economic factors of Migration it will then proceed to investigate the social factors. In the process it will be highlighted that the impacts of migration are (im)balanced. Body Paragraph 1. There are a lot of women’s human rights violations in Syria. According to the SNHR, the percentage of women deaths has dramatically increased in 2013, reaching nearly 9% of the total number of victims on April 30, 2013, and at this date, at least 7543 women including 2454 girls and 257 female infants under the age of 3 have been killed, including 155 women who remain unidentified at this date. The SNHR documented the killing of 55 foreign women. In 2013, the SNHR estimates that the number of rapes of women approximately reaches 6000, resulting in numerous cases in forced pregnancy. (Sema Nasar) This shows that some families will lose their mother and some husbands will have difficulty with their wives, and maybe there is population imbalanced. Also a young Syrian girl was stoned to death by Islamic extremists in 2014. Cause of it was a facebook account. Fatoum Al-Jassem, aged 14 or 15, was taken to a Sharia court in the city of Al-Reqqah after the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants caught her ... ... middle of paper ... ...n, about it reports a set of UN, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International human rights organizations. [40] [41] Most of the prisoners reported about sexual tortures in prisons. “Men forced to undress and becomes in a rank. Some former prisoners report that beat them on genitals and a groin, forced to have oral sex and to suck off, beat the stun gun in erogenous places, stubs from cigarettes thrust into anuses. To detainees repeatedly threatened that they will be raped in the face of relatives, wives and daughters, and also their families threatened that, including and children too will be raped. Some men declared that proctal forced them bludgeons, and that they saw as governmental armies forced also children. One person declared that he saw rape of the boy in the face of the father. 40-year-old man saw as three officers of security service force the child.” [6]
The reason that all governments torture prisoners is the same. “Torture is a machine designed to break the will to resist” (Klein) or to punish those who have disobeyed. There are two main reasons a government would want to break a person’s will. One reason why a government would want to break a person’s will is to remove that person’s motivation towards doing or saying things that the government does not want them to do or say. This reason, is the main purpose behind the persecution of Winston in Nineteen Eighty Four. The secon...
Women’s rights in the Middle East are being restricted, therefore there are many different reactions. Some people were in favor of women having equal rights while there are some who are against women to have the same rights. Since before times, many countries in the Middle East have been taking women for granted and minimized their rights by telling them they can't do something or selling them as if they were prized. When women were treated as prizes it was a practice in Afghanistan called Ba’ad that used women as the compensation, for example a story of a girl named Sakina. She was a consolation prize so that her brother could marry a woman and the Jirga system told her she had to marry a 80 year old guy when she was like 18. This tells me
...2009): 8-9. United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. .
Ever wonder about the conditions in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was killed for the extreme mistreatment of his people (mostly the Kurdish Iraqis)? The current conditions in Iraq are quite harsh as of right now, for starters the Sunni and Shiite Muslim people are so far apart in their views that they’re raging war. Due too this war, a religious law that grants women far fewer rights than Westernized countries is being enforced as the law of the land. This religious law, or Islamic law, is called Sharia law. The following paragraphs go into detail about what women are allowed and not allowed too do while Sharia is being enforced, as well as the obstacles many Muslim women face when trying too achieve gender equality. Another issue within Iraq that concerns the wellbeing of women is the topic of female genital
...s Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide. Human Rights Watch, 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.
Since the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict there have been countless human rights violations committed by both sides, but the majority of violations have been carried out by Israel against the Palestinians. In looking at the conflict, one may believe that every attack has featured a human rights violation, but in order to be able to properly determine what human rights violations are, one must know the history of human rights and how they are protected.
An attack on the Syrian state would fall within the boundaries of the international concept of the responsibility to protect. The crisis in Syria has escalated by protests in March 2011 calling for the release of all political prisoners. National security forces responded to widespread peaceful demonstrations with the use of brutal violence. The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad refused to stop attacks and allow for implementation of the reforms requested by the demonstrators. By July 2011, firsthand accounts emerged from witnesses, victims, and the media that government forces had subjected innocent civilians to detention, torture, and the use of heavy weaponry. The Syrian people were also subjected to the Shabiha, a largely armed state sponsored militia fighting with security forces. Al-Assad continually denied responsibility to these crimes and placed blame on the armed groups and terrorists for these actions.
In this incredible and most beautiful interesting video, Houda al-Habash a Muslim scholar and with a secularists mentality about the critical state of affairs of the Muslim women throughout the world but particularly the young women of Syria. She founded a Qur’anic memorization institute for young girls to be educated in the Islamic faith and at the same time instill in them the belief in their fundamental human rights protected by the religion of Islam. It’s obviously for far too long women in majority strict religious conservative and patriarchal societies have been denied an equal representation and participation in the day today affairs of the running the affairs of their respective regions. This type of man-made system of dominant mechanism
The world has been known to be an unsafe and otherwise bad place to be due to the evils that exist within it. Governments have since created a Declaration of Human Rights that specify the rights that individuals are born with. This declaration explicitly states thirty different rules that one must obey. Among these rules includes a comprehensive explanation of what any individual inalienably accesses. Despite these rules that are set in stone, some groups or territories do not follow such guidelines and thus are put on a watch to try and fix the predicaments that are occurring. A country that falls victim to this category is Iraq. This country has underwent many trials and tribulations due to its problematic individuals that are generally directed at thwarting the United States of America. These individuals are well known terroristic groups including Al Qaeda and the Taliban that have done quite the opposite of what the Declaration of Human Rights elucidates. From mass killings within their confines to attacking the United States of America, the groups are oblivious to the rights that humans should have. Iraqi officials correlate with these groups and thus make the entire country hazardous. The officials loose sympathy and empathy for the human being entity and treat them as nothing more than dirt that must follow orders with no freedoms. Iraq has been violating important human rights, deserting its land of choice and autonomy by denying the Iraqi citizens the rights to gather and peacefully protest against ideas and virtues that they disagree with, executing prisoners without proper trial and torturing its people for various profound reasons.
As the Arab Spring enters its second year, major uprisings and revolts have occurred all over the Middle East, pushing for an end to the corrupt autocratic rule and an expansion of civil liberties and political rights. Most recently, images from Syria have emerged, depicting the government’s use of force to suppress the voice of its people. One might ask, “Is this the beginning of a revolution? Is the country on the path to democracy?” To assess this question and examine the future trends in the region, one must look back on the country’s somewhat tumultuous history, the relationship between the citizens and the state, and the political economy.
"Syrian refugees in Lebanon still suffering." The Economist. N.p., 30 Oct 2014. Web. 20 Jan "The Refugees." New York Times 5 September 2013, n. pag. Print.
The war caused nearly 11 Million Syrians, half of Syria’s population, to flee the country. 94% of the displaced Syrians are living in refugee camps located in the nearby nations of Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, whereas 6% are fleeing to Europe. When this occurs the policies of the United nations and the European Union take effect in order to deal with the refugees
There have been individuals and even countries that oppose the idea that human rights are for everybody. This argument shall be investigated in this essay, by: exploring definitions and history on human rights, debating on whether it is universal while providing examples and background information while supporting my hypothesis that human rights should be based on particular cultural values and finally drawing a conclusion. A general definition of human rights is that they are rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, simply because they are human. It is the idea that ‘all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’
“Women’s human security rights in the Arab world: on nobody's agenda.” 50.50 Inclusive Democracy, 2 Dec. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.
This research paper looks at the definition of a child as expressed in four fields: international law, international child convention, Sharia and Islamic law, and Arab countries. A child is considered any person below the age of 18 years of age. However, each of the four fields has its own modifications of the definition. For instance, the international law and international child conventional loosely consider the age of 18 years as the upper limit of childhood, as they provide a room for countries in which the age of majority may be attained earlier than 18 years. In the four fields, a child is considered dependent on their parents and communities for protection and financial and social support. However, the four fields have a few controversies in the way they define and treat children. For instance, Sharia and Islamic laws want children aged 7 years and above held responsible for their actions and subjected to corporal punishment if found guilty of criminal offenses. On the other hand, the international law and international child convention prohibit corporal punishment of children regardless of their age.