Human Behavior In Macbeth

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The Influence of Clairvoyance on Human Behavior Supernatural is often defined in as something paranormal or unable to be explained by science or laws of nature. This abnormality or paranormal behavior occurs throughout numerous scenes of Shakespeare 'sThe Tragedy of Macbeth. The play is set in mid 11th century Scotland and there was a stark contrast between the way of life back then and today. The Scottish general and Thane of Glamis, Macbeth, is a powerful man, but not a virtuous man. Banquo, who is another general and co-leader of the Scottish army along Macbeth, finds out that his children will be the future king.He is easily persuaded by his devious wife Lady Macbeth of achieving a higher rank in the kingdom of Scotland and they will go …show more content…

The witches are said to resemble a man like figure and have a great influence on each of the characters ' fate. The word "wierd” comes from an old english term "wyrd" meaning fate ,so therefore the witches should have an association with controlling and influencing the fate of individuals. The two individuals specifically Banquo and Macbeth are given insight into what fate they will have. The Wierd Sisters starts to manipulate their fates by putting a curse on Macbeth and allowing him to "sleep shall neither night nor day." He must "hang upon his penthouse lid" and shall "live a man forbid weary sev 'nights, nine times nine." (Shakespeare I,iii, page 15) The first witch puts a curse upon Macbeth that prevents him to sleep for many weeks specifically eight-one weeks. Since sleep is necessary Macbeth gets sicker as each day passes as a result of the curse and thus becomes disillusioned and paranoid. After hearing the witches revealing that "Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter" (Shakespeare IV,i, page 125) he believed anyone else questioning his authority might cause him to lose his position as king. The first witch states that Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis, but the other two witches are referring to what Macbeth will become in the future. Macbeth becomes …show more content…

Macbeth feels omnipotent with his prophecies and little does he realize that the witches are equivocating with him. It was said Macbeth "shall never vanquished be until Great Britain wood to high Dusine Hill shall come against him." (Shakespeare IV, i, page 127) Apparitions that were evident was the "invocations of evil spirits and apparitions from the underworld and the workings of black magic." (Cusick) Apparitions derived from the bad intentions that Macbeth had due to the lust of power and wealth. The ghosts came as a result of Macbeth, but can be seen by Macbeth himself. The first apparition tells Macbeth to "beware of Macduff and beware the Thane of Fife" ( ShakespeareIV,i , page 125) and to fear for Macduff 's actions. Macbeth orders the murder Macduff 's son and wife to protect himself and be defensive ,but this backfires enraging Macduff even more to complete the quest of getting back at Macbeth. As Macbeth becomes a tyrant he could not be "for non of woman born shall" harmed. ( Shakespeare IV, i, page 125). This foreshadows the later events of the play stating Macbeth being lustful for blood and becomes more of a tyrant by making cruel acts in an impulse showing instability and

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