Hugo Star Success Show

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Hugo Star Success Show

Fade-in: (25 seconds) – Rocky Theme Tune

Hugo Star: Hello, and welcome to the Hugo Star Success Show. I’m Hugo Star and this week I’ll be bringing you two stories from the world of successful endeavor. Those of you who are regular listeners will know that on this show we aim to both entertain, and inspire you onto greater things. The focus of this evening’s show will be on the theme of the “Impossible is nothing”. For this reason, you will hear from two people who overcame their challenges and literally smashed through their obstacles. These stories are no ordinary stories. They are unique. These are people who really did make the impossible, possible.

Fade-in: (11 Seconds)- Future Would Music- Aqua Vitae

Hugo: My first guest is Diana Nyad, a long distance swimmer. Diana set a speed world record, in 1975, for swimming around Manhattan in under eight hours. A few years later, she then set a distance record for her 102.5-mile staged swim from the Bahamas to Florida. She recently became the first person EVER to swim continuously from Cuba to Florida, and she did this without a shark cage! Not only was she the only person to accomplish this achievement, she did this at the age of 64 years young. Diana, welcome to the show.

Diana: Hey, how are you doing?

Hugo: Fine. When I heard you speak at the TED talks presentation in New York, I had to phone your agent and see if we could get you on the show.

Diana: Thanks, that’s really cool.

Hugo: I was intrigued to hear that you tried this 100-mile continuous swim four times, before you succeeded on the fifth attempt.

Diana: Not only that, but some of the greatest swimmers in the world have been trying to achieve this goal, since 1950. You know, i...

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... am today, so a special mention to him.

Hugo: What happened?

Arthur: Well, in the first 6 months I lost 100 pounds…

Hugo: Which is an incredible achievement.

Arthur: In 10 months I lost 140 pounds. But the most memorable achievement would be that not only did I manage to walk again, I was able to run. I’m now a motivational speaker, and I work with students in school, to show them that anything’s possible. It goes to show - that we should never underestimate what we can accomplish.

Hugo: That’s mind blowing. Have you got anything you would like to add before I wrap up before the break?

Arthur: Yes, one last thing. Never give up. Believe you can achieve.

Hugo: Thanks a lot for being on the Hugo Star Success show. Fantastic story. For any new listeners out there, who wont already know, you can download this podcast on our website,

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